
标题: ZT: 早说了,新西兰人办事懒散,草菅人命,终于有人承认了!!! [打印本页]

作者: 鼠星人    时间: 2020-2-28 09:42:00     标题: ZT: 早说了,新西兰人办事懒散,草菅人命,终于有人承认了!!!


Coronavirus: Lance O'Sullivan admits he 'got it wrong' in playing down fears, says thousands could die here

Last time former New Zealander of the Year Lance O'Sullivan was on The AM Show, he called the media reaction to the growing coronavirus threat "a lot of hysteria, a beat-up".

Now he's fearing COVID-19 could kill thousands of New Zealanders if it comes here, with our health system underprepared for the influx of potentially tens of thousands of patients.

The latest international figures show more than 82,500 people have been confirmed infected and 2810 dead. While the vast majority of cases and fatalities so far have been recorded in China, where it began, the outbreak reached a turning point this week - more new cases are now being reported outside of China than in.

When Dr O'Sullivan appeared on The AM Show at the end of January, the death toll was only 81.

"I am concerned that we're going to get pushed down this track of going crazy on this hysteria, we're going to create these pandemic camps," he told host Duncan Garner. "The real issue is, we've got other, bigger problems that we should be looking at."

Those views, he says, were based on assumptions COVID-19 would sputter out, like SARS, which infected more than 8000 people and killed 774 in 2003 - most of them in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

"New Zealand wants leaders who are prepared to say, 'Okay - we got it wrong,'" Dr O'Sullivan said on Friday. "And maybe in this situation we are dealing with something that's a bit more serious than [it seemed] on first appearances... We'd seen SARS, and SARS almost shut down the world, and it turned out to not be very much. So it was with that in mind - let's not do that again."

He's not the only doctor to have underestimated COVID-19. James Freeman, an Australian doctor and friend of Dr O'Sullivan's, made the same mistake. The pair were working together this week when the outbreak came up in conversation.
"He mentioned coronavirus, and I said, 'I wrote this article to tell people not to worry about it too much,'" said Dr Freeman. "He said, 'So did I.' And I said, 'Ah yeah - I'm going to have to recant on that, because this is looking a lot more serious than we thought.'"

The outlook for New Zealand
If the virus gets loose in New Zealand, based on what we've seen so far, it's likely at least 5000 people would die - and that's a conservative estimate based on what happened on the Diamond Princess, a cruise ship on which the virus ran rampant.

"We know for a fact there were 3700 people on that boat. We know 700 of them become infected - so we can see about 20 percent of people getting infected," said Dr Freeman.

"Of those 700 people we can see 29 of them are listed as critically unwell, and so far there have been four deaths.... that's one in 1000."

Garner quickly calculated that would mean 5000 deaths, to which Dr Freeman replied: "You end up with a large number, yeah."  

But that could be a best-case scenario.

"The expectation is there will be more deaths than that, because in China it's over a 50 percent mortality rate if you're critically unwell," said Dr Freeman.

Let's say half the remaining cruise ship patients who are critically unwell die - that's 19 out of 3700 now. Scaling that up to New Zealand's population, we're now looking at a potential 25,000 deaths.

Health system already 'bursting at the seams'

Even if New Zealand's high-quality health system manages to keep the death toll down, the Diamond Princess experience suggests around 40,000 people could fall critically ill in an uncontained outbreak.

"That's going to be a large number of people potentially unwell," said Dr Freeman.

Dr O'Sullivan said general practices are already "bursting at the seams", and with China producing much of the world's medicines - including antibiotics, which will be necessary to treat any secondary infections (antibiotics are useless against viruses themselves).

"I really have an aversion to trying to create hysteria and panic, but there are concerns about whether we are ready enough for this."

The last worldwide pandemic - 2009's swine flu - infected about a quarter of the world's population and killed hundreds of thousands of people, later studies showed.

作者: 鼠星人    时间: 2020-2-28 09:42:21

作者: bintoo    时间: 2020-2-28 09:44:53

老鼠你一方面期待世界大战, 死百万千万人都不在乎, 另一方面又好像很害怕这个只会造成几千人死亡的病毒。  你的价值观很难触摸啊。 哈哈。
作者: anzbank    时间: 2020-2-28 09:46:10

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020 ... 9-outbreak/12006960

Special "fever clinics" could soon be established, retired doctors asked to return to work, and non-urgent surgeries cancelled as the Federal Government shifts into the next phase of its response to the coronavirus outbreak.
作者: 匿名    时间: 2020-2-28 09:47:43

"That's going to be a large number of people potentially unwell," said Dr Freeman.

作者: skysadness    时间: 2020-2-28 09:48:16

bintoo 发表于 2020-2-28 09:44
老鼠你一方面期待世界大战, 死百万千万人都不在乎, 另一方面又好像很害怕这个只会造成几千人死亡的病毒。 ...

作者: 匿名    时间: 2020-2-28 09:50:21


作者: bintoo    时间: 2020-2-28 09:51:34

skysadness 发表于 2020-2-28 09:48

以前可能是, 现在的科技, 谁还能确定呢。

作者: 太阳鸟鸟    时间: 2020-2-28 09:51:58

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作者: skysadness    时间: 2020-2-28 09:55:20

bintoo 发表于 2020-2-28 09:51
以前可能是, 现在的科技, 谁还能确定呢。

说不定有国家会打来新西兰做南半球基地和最后生存的堡垒呢。 ...

你还怕啥?怕斐济 萨摩亚入侵吗?
作者: rzrljb    时间: 2020-2-28 09:58:04

作者: bintoo    时间: 2020-2-28 09:59:57

skysadness 发表于 2020-2-28 09:55
老哥。能夸太平洋投放军队的国家也就那么几个,欧美澳洲算盟国,中国应该看不上新西兰,而且中国海外大批 ...

二次大战前有人能猜到德国能吃掉大半个欧洲吗?  那还只是靠双脚和几个轮子飞机都飞不远的时代呢。 战后坐下来各种分析各种需要, 都只是马后炮的后见之名而已。

有没有需要拿下新西兰, 不是和平年代我们这类网民能看懂的。  

台湾没打过去, 不是打不过,而是和平年代不值得打。  所有战争时的价值观和决策,特别是世界大战这个规模, 和我们现在拿着杯咖啡看着电脑安安心心上班时是完全不再一个维度的。

作者: 鼠星人    时间: 2020-2-28 10:00:08

rzrljb 发表于 2020-2-28 09:58


作者: keepower    时间: 2020-2-28 10:01:36

鼠星人 发表于 2020-2-28 10:00

我自己倒是屯了很多吃的 ...

老鼠还是棒棒哒 在家呆着 有吃有喝 等疫情过去
作者: skysadness    时间: 2020-2-28 10:02:00

bintoo 发表于 2020-2-28 09:59
二次大战前有人能猜到德国能吃掉大半个欧洲吗?  那还只是靠双脚和几个轮子飞机都飞不远的时代呢。 战后 ...


作者: bintoo    时间: 2020-2-28 10:04:18

skysadness 发表于 2020-2-28 10:02

作为平民, 拿什么抵抗? 菜刀还是锤子? 好像早就过了农民拿着锄头镰刀都能对抗政府军方起义的年代了吧。。

真打起来除了做战争难民逃难外, 我看不到在热兵器时代平民还有多少选择。
作者: auckland.clark    时间: 2020-2-28 10:05:06

鼠星人 发表于 2020-2-28 10:00

我自己倒是屯了很多吃的 ...

作者: 匿名    时间: 2020-2-28 10:07:57

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作者: 匿名    时间: 2020-2-28 10:12:25

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作者: 匿名    时间: 2020-2-28 10:17:34

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作者: moonIlight2013    时间: 2020-2-28 10:19:51

鼠星人 发表于 2020-2-28 09:42

作者: dichn    时间: 2020-2-28 10:20:38

SB kiwi 只是短视而已,以前一直说没事不用恐慌是因为爆发都是在国内,以为不让国人来就行了。 现在是世界上开始传播了,这帮SB就开始慌了。 title还Dr, Dr my ass...
作者: 匿名    时间: 2020-2-28 10:29:43


作者: keepower    时间: 2020-2-28 10:50:37

skysadness 发表于 2020-2-28 10:02

按照现在的国际形势,如果打到新西兰了,说明澳洲已经被打垮了;澳洲被打垮了说明美帝已经被KO了。如果澳洲和美帝都被ko了,新西兰国家就直接投降了。只能个人组织进山打游击了 lol
作者: 261874939    时间: 2020-2-28 11:05:05

作者: 匿名    时间: 2020-2-28 11:23:11

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作者: skysadness    时间: 2020-2-28 11:23:39

bintoo 发表于 2020-2-28 10:04
作为平民, 拿什么抵抗? 菜刀还是锤子? 好像早就过了农民拿着锄头镰刀都能对抗政府军方起义的年代了吧。 ...

都打到新西兰了你往哪里跑》 斐济吗
作者: bintoo    时间: 2020-2-28 11:24:57

skysadness 发表于 2020-2-28 11:23
都打到新西兰了你往哪里跑》 斐济吗

在达到新西兰前, 就要响应老鼠号召,  “回国吧”。
作者: 飞狗    时间: 2020-2-28 11:29:11

鼠星人 发表于 2020-2-28 10:00

我自己倒是屯了很多吃的 ...

作者: 鼠星人    时间: 2020-2-28 11:35:49

飞狗 发表于 2020-2-28 11:29

作者: Just4LD    时间: 2020-2-28 11:36:41

鼠星人 发表于 2020-2-28 11:35

作者: espedd    时间: 2020-2-28 11:39:48














作者: 鼠星人    时间: 2020-2-28 11:48:54

espedd 发表于 2020-2-28 11:39


作者: anzbank    时间: 2020-2-28 11:51:38

作者: 匿名    时间: 2020-2-28 11:52:33

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作者: rabbit    时间: 2020-2-28 12:36:09

作者: 鼠星人    时间: 2020-2-28 12:37:34

rabbit 发表于 2020-2-28 12:36

作者: anzbank    时间: 2020-2-28 12:40:33

rabbit 发表于 2020-2-28 12:36

作者: espedd    时间: 2020-2-28 13:21:16

鼠星人 发表于 2020-2-28 11:48


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