Auckland's shock "housing surplus" has been revealed as a population correction means the city is now on track to meet demand.
But the Salvation Army warns the 7,168 house surplus won't fix the housing crisis but instead shows it's caused by unaffordable housing and low income levels.
Auckland's housing surplus
Auckland's population dropped by 77,500 last year, Statistics New Zealand predicted after the Census showed slower-than-predicted growth.
The Salvation Army believes this means there's now a surplus of 7,168 houses but warns this doesn't show a housing excess but rather the erosion of the deficit the city suffered over the last five years.
The charity has reported a housing shortage since 2009.
It said a "fundamental question emerged" in light of the surplus revelation about what's causing the increases in homelessness and housing stress, and said the problem is that houses are unaffordable compared to wages.
"The Auckland part of the story is distinctly one where tenants are under more stress and facing increasingly unaffordable renting situations," the report said.
The report says about 77,000 leaving Auckland to other towns.
There are many beneficiaries who still prefer to stay in Auckland despite unaffordable housing.
Salvation (Sallies) is trying to push for an increasing beneficiary income, increasing free social housing,
increasing wages. In another word, they are looking back to the socialist state like the 70s.
At the rate this is going, there will be more aged pension, beneficiaries than the productive tax-paying population, everyone will want to go to the beach than working. 作者: rzrljb 时间: 2020-2-12 09:54:06