If your sponsor has already sponsored a parent
If your sponsor has already sponsored 1 parent or more, we include that parent in their minimum income calculation.
For example, if your adult child sponsored 2 parents before the visa closed, then they and their partner sponsored 2 more parents after it reopens, they will need to meet the income requirements to sponsor 4 parents.
(上面,这部分说的是以前申请的但是在pool 里面没有得到结果的,如果重新开放,需要按照新的收入标准执行,夫妻两个要申请4位长辈,就要做好最高的工资收入)
NOTE 这个下面的注解,是在政策改变以前,如果已经申请成功一方父母的,并且成功获得身份。在开放申请的时候,之前的申请的不算,你的工资还是可以继续支持新申请人的。
If your sponsor's income helped to sponsor their partner's parents before the visa closed, they are not considered a previous sponsor.
不知道我理解的对么?请大神们指教作者: 给咖啡加点盐 时间: 2020-2-10 21:55:11