
标题: ZT:【视频】来参考一下新加坡卫生部长在国会发表关于corona的演讲 [打印本页]

作者: 还是回国吧    时间: 2020-2-6 09:57:42     标题: ZT:【视频】来参考一下新加坡卫生部长在国会发表关于corona的演讲

本帖最后由 还是回国吧 于 2020-2-6 10:09 编辑


“Wearing a mask when we are well, often gives us a false sense of security instead, and we are more likely to touch our faces, when we constantly adjust our masks, which is one way the disease spreads."


00:00  we should regularly wash our hands with
00:02  soap and water and avoid touching our
00:05  face with our hands even at a meeting
00:08  where we have on this ministry task
00:10  force while I was speaking I was
00:12  touching my face until Minister Lawrence
00:15  Wong matched me with his elbow as if
00:17  stopped touching your face let me now
00:20  share about what we know about this
00:22  novel coronavirus this virus comes from
00:26  the family of coronavirus which includes
00:28  other viruses such as MERS and sons as
00:32  well as the mother variants causing
00:35  common cold the medical consensus at
00:38  this moment is that the novel
00:40  coronavirus is more transmissible but
00:43  appears less deadly themselves evidence
00:46  suggests that the rate of human-to-human
00:48  transmission of this virus appears to be
00:51  higher than that of SARS for now the
00:54  evidence also suggests that transmission
00:56  is mostly via droplets what this means
01:00  is that a virus is carried within
01:02  droplets emitted from an infected person
01:05  over a short distance such as when a
01:08  person coughs or sneezes if these
01:10  droplets come into contact with the eyes
01:12  nose or mouth of an individual directly
01:16  or indirectly through hands that have
01:19  come into contact with these droplets
01:20  the individual may become infected to
01:24  clarify there is no evidence currently
01:27  to suggest that the virus is airborne
01:29  there are other viruses such as the
01:32  chickenpox which can easily be
01:35  transported via air via air currents and
01:38  do not require droplets to contact the
01:41  eyes or nose the novel coronavirus is
01:44  not in this category of viruses the
01:46  novel coronavirus could also transmit
01:49  through surface contact let me explain
01:52  when a person sneezes or coughs the
01:54  droplets fall onto the surfaces of
01:56  tables and chairs and the virus may
02:00  remain alive for up to a few days when
02:03  someone else touches the services of
02:06  these tables and chairs the virus can be
02:08  transferred to the his hands and he then
02:11  rubs his eyes or nose
02:13  washing his hands he may become infected
02:15  so we should wash our hands this is also
02:19  why we only quarantined the closed
02:21  context of confirmed cases for more
02:24  transient transient contexts such as
02:26  individuals that the confirmed cases may
02:29  have walked past in malls or hotels the
02:32  risk of transmission is law for
02:34  coronavirus generally the person is most
02:37  infectious when he is displaying
02:40  symptoms all course symptomatic and this
02:42  is likely to be the case for the novel
02:44  coronavirus as well there is evidence of
02:47  limited spread from a person without
02:49  symptoms during the incubation period
02:52  however this form of transmission may be
02:55  uncommon and as so far involved isolated
02:58  cases only at this point the evidence
03:01  still points towards higher
03:03  transmissibility when the person is
03:06  tipped displaying symptoms as such
03:08  medical professionals both overseas and
03:11  in Singapore have advised that the most
03:14  effective way that we can protect
03:16  ourselves is to practice good personal
03:18  hygiene
03:19  we should regularly wash our hands with
03:22  soap and water and avoid touching our
03:24  face with our hands these may sound
03:27  simple but actually they are very
03:29  difficult to do because all of us touch
03:31  our face all the time even at a meeting
03:34  where we have on this ministry task
03:36  force while I was speaking I was
03:38  touching my face until Minister Lawrence
03:41  Wong not me
03:42  with his elbow and say stop touching
03:44  your face so it is simple but extremely
03:48  difficult but are actually very
03:51  effective in preventing all kinds of
03:53  infection potential infection from a a
03:57  cinematic persons in fact it's less
03:59  likely to be from coughing or sneezing
04:02  directly because they don't have
04:05  symptoms they are not sneezing or
04:07  coughing for more likely by touching
04:09  contaminated surfaces for which masks
04:13  offer no protection wearing a mask when
04:16  we are well often give us a false sense
04:19  of security instead and we are more
04:21  likely to touch our faces when we
04:23  constantly adjust our masks
04:26  which is one way the disease spreads at
04:30  the same time we need to protect others
04:32  our loved ones friends colleagues and
04:35  fellow Singaporeans that we come into
04:36  contact with if we are sick we should
04:39  rest and recover at home as far as
04:41  possible if we do need to go out to see
04:44  a doctor for example we should wear a
04:46  surgical mask to protect others so this
04:50  is when mass is needed when we are
04:52  unwell and have to go out
05:02  you

作者: 还是回国吧    时间: 2020-2-6 09:58:04

作者: 鼠星人    时间: 2020-2-6 09:58:51

作者: auckland.clark    时间: 2020-2-6 10:04:58


作者: auckland.clark    时间: 2020-2-6 10:05:52

作者: NewLynnHse    时间: 2020-2-6 10:07:59

auckland.clark 发表于 2020-2-6 09:05

作者: auckland.clark    时间: 2020-2-6 10:09:51

NewLynnHse 发表于 2020-2-6 10:07

作者: bintoo    时间: 2020-2-6 10:12:49

老鼠你不是期望世界大战大量死人吗? 这病毒的伤害和带来的死亡数字对比起你的宏愿来说就是屁都不是,值得你关心吗?
作者: 还是回国吧    时间: 2020-2-6 10:15:20

bintoo 发表于 2020-2-6 10:12
老鼠你不是期望世界大战大量死人吗? 这病毒的伤害和带来的死亡数字对比起你的宏愿来说就是屁都不是,值得 ...

作者: 夜雨的陪伴    时间: 2020-2-6 10:15:37



作者: bintoo    时间: 2020-2-6 10:19:41

还是回国吧 发表于 2020-2-6 10:15
确实没啥值得关注的。我只是看到这么多傻逼没事带口罩,x了到了阎王面前的时候都不知道为什么,挺可怜的 ...

作者: 还是回国吧    时间: 2020-2-6 10:23:16

bintoo 发表于 2020-2-6 10:19
人都是某个程度上都是迷信的,一件事,只要多数人相信需要去做的,那不管实际效果如何,它已经值得去做了 ...

作者: bintoo    时间: 2020-2-6 10:25:25

还是回国吧 发表于 2020-2-6 10:23
也是,就像信某个教就觉得自己可以上天堂,或者是天堂有72个处女在等。。。哈哈!!! ...

人的各种信仰, 不单是宗教信仰哦,只要信的人够多,  就能是一股能改变世界的力量, 不要随便取笑别人的信仰啊。

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