The Aeroplane is ready. But Donno when can they fly in and fly out.
Maybe they need an expert to be consulted (another working paper) before they will be anything?
A day delay is a day at risk for everyone. It may take 3 more weeks. Heard they will be quarantined at a hotel in Auckland when they came back. The hotel will be in South Auckland (closer to the airport), just a rumor at the moment.
什么A Kiwi? 他是荷兰人, 未成年儿子拿纽西兰护照, 幼儿跟父母。'Schotsman is Dutch and has permanent residency in New Zealand. His son is a New Zealand passport holder. '
昨天那个Mahon哭着要回来的不知道是不是印度人, Fx中国女人有5岁的女,说正在中国挨饿。P!作者: 匿名 时间: 2020-1-30 22:08:57