trdeyoualbert 发表于 2020-1-22 19:19
that means they knew nz system and knew your credit card
by the way how they knew your credit no ...
trdeyoualbert 发表于 2020-1-22 19:31
oh understood what you said now, buy cherry for China friends, a lot of cherry.....
trdeyoualbert 发表于 2020-1-22 19:19
that means they knew nz system and knew your credit card
by the way how they knew your credit no ...
onetreehill1 发表于 2020-1-22 23:07
LZ也不能说失败,主要是澳洲那边政坛反华和加上山火影响,去澳洲的游客少了,也影响到了新西兰的旅游业 ...
kelvinleee 发表于 2020-1-22 22:40
日常纠语法,是Who cares, 亲。
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