Not for Andrew and Irene Leathwick, who’ve been left with photographs of a couple they don’t like the look of.
The Leathwicks hired Mike Sheng to take pictures of their wedding last November. And on the day, everything went well.
But when Mike Sheng sent through their final selection of photos, the couple were in for a big surprise.
While Andrew was largely untouched, Irene looked like she’d had major body sculpting – her face and arms were slimmer, her chest was smaller and sunken in and her waist had been pulled in.
But Mike Sheng wasn’t happy about being made to un-touch the re-touch. He told the couple it would take a long time to undo his work, as he had a lot of other clients.
He proceeded to give the couple just two of their final 60 images, and has since blocked them from communicating with him.
That’s not the end of the bad news for Irene and Andrew – not only are they without their wedding photos, they’re also missing the RAW images that Mike had promised they could have prior to the wedding.
He says he’s deleted them.
Mike Sheng didn’t respond to Fair Go’s numerous attempts to contact him. He also took down his website, which included false claims about his photographic ranking in New Zealand.
The couple are considering court action to try and recoup some money – so they can try and get new photographs taken.
But Mike Sheng wasn’t happy about being made to un-touch the re-touch. He told the couple it would take a long time to undo his work, as he had a lot of other clients.
"Irene looked like she’d had major body sculpting – her face and arms were slimmer, her chest was smaller and sunken in and her waist had been pulled in."
这是完全按照网红审美来修片了吗。。。。。。作者: bluekiwisky 时间: 2019-10-23 09:47:42