
标题: 夏天来了,约伴一起出去潜水!! [打印本页]

作者: RockLee    时间: 2019-10-16 13:15:50     标题: 夏天来了,约伴一起出去潜水!!

本人男,AOW 40+ dive logs,打算去穷骑士岛(Poor Knights Islands),或者是奥克兰周边的山羊岛(Goat Island),大障碍岛(Great Barriers)。大家可以一起拼车,拼船,抓龙虾,鲍鱼什么的,有兴趣的小伙伴可以加我微信再详细讨论行程。

微信:jackwelcome   (请注明skykiwi潜水)

作者: doorshedltd    时间: 2019-10-22 00:00:25

Our website is  www.gearbear.co.nz
我们是一个提供租赁和旅游商业信息服务的网络商业平台,也可以说GEARBERA 和AIRBNB类似,但是我们只是关注新西兰户外活动和闲置设备垂直性平台网站,服务于个人和中小商业团体,为广大驴友提供一个有个性的户外活动选择和共享闲置设备而生的网站,欢迎大家参与其中,并且获得额外收益.

目前我们在搞活动我们网站目前在搞活动!每次传产品将会返最多20纽币(5纽币/个,最多付4个产品).额外的产品将免费推广。特别条件限制: 提供优质图片和尽量丰富的简介.活动日期截止01/12/2019

1. Create a listing for free of charge, quick and easy listing process.  Aim at all visitors around NZ (approx. 400,000 people per month)

2. You decide the price. Only charge the 10% (Inc. the Stripe fee) commission, once you accepted the requirement/reservation, the rest 90% money will be auto transferred to your bank after 7 working days. If you refuse the requirement/reservation, payment will directly back to customers without any troubles(fee).

3. Every listing has a smart and locally mapping to Facebook and Google ads, YouTube and other all social media, which promotes your listings and exposes your business brand.

4. Secure messaging using our instant message method system. Also, you will receive an email with chat information.


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