标题: 我的天哪 - 毛利人部落希望從私人手中奪取土地。 [打印本页]
作者: 匿名 时间: 2019-9-18 15:30:25 标题: 我的天哪 - 毛利人部落希望從私人手中奪取土地。
本帖最后由 匿名 于 2019-9-18 14:45 编辑
图片附件: 1568772262387.jpg (2019-9-18 15:45:28, 69.27 KB) / 下载次数 1

作者: hsuoechen 时间: 2019-9-18 15:33:58
作者: 匿名 时间: 2019-9-18 15:36:22
作者: 匿名 时间: 2019-9-18 15:37:13
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作者: 匿名 时间: 2019-9-18 15:41:59
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作者: 太极宗师001 时间: 2019-9-18 15:45:55
作者: hsuoechen 时间: 2019-9-18 15:51:01
匿名者 发表于 2019-9-18 14:36 
作者: LAZIE 时间: 2019-9-18 15:52:29
發帖的 你去過現場嗎 你了解來龍去脈嗎 你有毛利朋友嗎 lmao
作者: skysadness 时间: 2019-9-18 16:05:32
作者: 匿名 时间: 2019-9-18 16:27:45
本帖最后由 匿名 于 2019-9-18 15:42 编辑
LAZIE 发表于 2019-9-18 14:52 
發帖的 你去過現場嗎 你了解來龍去脈嗎 你有毛利朋友嗎 lmao
i farted more than you breathe.
This has nothing to do with the Treaty of Waitangi, it is an invasion to private property right where a tribe is occupying a private land properly acquired through market consideration.
Whatever grievances Maori has is with the Crown and not with private ownership.
IF this precedent is allowed, tomorrow Maori Tribe can go to your house and said this was my ancestor land.
Maori often argued they have separate sovereignty and not subject to NZ law, they are subject to their own tribal law. Therefore, they can choose to disregard the Pakeha law. haha... This argument never succeeds in the NZ legal system.
Would Labour soft boned attitude allow them to climb up to their heads and breed a new Maori tribal law into private property? Wake up!
作者: LAZIE 时间: 2019-9-18 16:52:21
匿名者 发表于 2019-9-18 15:27 
i farted more than you breathe.
This has nothing to do with the Treaty of Waitangi, it is an invas ...
別賣弄你那破英文了 可以嗎
哥 97年來 的 都沒你那破腔調
總理都不敢發言 了 你講得再有道理
有個屌用 ?
I farted more than you brethe
我賭你不敢跟 在這遊行 的 任何一個毛利人 當面說 哈哈哈哈哈
作者: 直面异议 时间: 2019-9-18 17:08:39
匿名者 发表于 2019-9-18 15:27
i farted more than you breathe.
This has nothing to do with the Treaty of Waitangi, it is an invas ...
作者: bluekiwisky 时间: 2019-9-18 17:13:00
作者: 匿名 时间: 2019-9-18 17:16:14
hsuoechen 发表于 2019-9-18 14:51 
是亚洲化吧。亚裔预测三年内就会超过毛利裔成为第二大族裔。2038年比例会接近1/4。 ...
作者: 匿名 时间: 2019-9-18 17:22:12
Mr Simon Bridges, the National Party leader said if the Crown buys the land it will set “an unfortunate precedent” that will cost New Zealanders.
"I think the Government needs to immediately rule out negotiating as iwi has asked for with Fletchers over Ihumatao," Mr Bridges told 1 NEWS Political Editor Jessica Mutch McKay.
"I think if they don't do that they are calling into jeopardy the full and final treaty settlement process and other iwi will be lining up to get the same sort of treatment in relation to private land around New Zealand.
"It is absolutely wrong to open it back up, to open private lands up and set unfortunate precedent that will costs New Zealanders a lot of money."
作者: 匿名 时间: 2019-9-18 20:05:57
匿名者 发表于 2019-9-18 16:22 
Mr Simon Bridges, the National Party leader said if the Crown buys the land it will set “an unfortu ...
别说西门大官人啦,他已经完蛋了。国家党也是脑残居然敢在这个时候访华,不知道现在防止china influence是重于一切得么?国家党和西门失去人心了,被扣上跪倒在ccp石榴裙下的卖国党了。
Winston Peters did not hold back in his description of Simon Bridges' interview with Chinese state media, mocking it as "subservient grovelling".
Peters, the Deputy Prime Minister, used his speech in Parliament on Wednesday to criticise the interview Bridges gave Chinese state media during his visit to the superpower earlier this month.
作者: 匿名 时间: 2019-9-18 21:39:04
aukati i te fxxk o te korerorero i te whenua maori i te hui Hainamana.
作者: 绘画者之风 时间: 2019-9-18 22:25:53
匿名者 发表于 2019-9-18 14:36
作者: 绘画者之风 时间: 2019-9-18 22:26:58
hsuoechen 发表于 2019-9-18 14:51
是亚洲化吧。亚裔预测三年内就会超过毛利裔成为第二大族裔。2038年比例会接近1/4。 ...
作者: 老老妖刀 时间: 2019-9-18 22:30:40
作者: 匿名 时间: 2019-9-18 22:55:53
本帖最后由 匿名 于 2019-9-18 21:57 编辑
作者: 太阳鸟鸟 时间: 2019-9-18 23:08:27
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作者: 太阳鸟鸟 时间: 2019-9-18 23:09:27
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作者: 匿名 时间: 2019-9-19 01:04:49
太阳鸟鸟 发表于 2019-9-18 22:09 
作者: yangauk 时间: 2019-9-19 01:25:38
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作者: 呼啸寒风 时间: 2019-9-19 09:29:34
hsuoechen 发表于 2019-9-18 14:51 
是亚洲化吧。亚裔预测三年内就会超过毛利裔成为第二大族裔。2038年比例会接近1/4。 ...
作者: 匿名 时间: 2019-9-19 09:33:04
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作者: 匿名 时间: 2019-9-19 09:33:52
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作者: 匿名 时间: 2019-9-19 10:42:42
图片附件: AAFmd4Q.jpg (2019-9-19 10:39:08, 104.92 KB) / 下载次数 2

作者: 匿名 时间: 2019-9-21 23:01:57
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