
标题: 大型连锁牙医店港人老板疑似港du [打印本页]

作者: 匿名    时间: 2019-8-30 13:57:48     标题: 大型连锁牙医店港人老板疑似港du

本帖最后由 匿名 于 2019-8-30 17:45 编辑

大家都知道有一家很有名的牙医诊所,老板是香港人,不可否认技术好,但总是在facebook和ins等一些社交网络转载抹黑大陆的一些消息。多次言论中说“中国xxx“,并且员工家属都知道他对印度人有着种族歧视。实在看不惯他的作风,一边赚着他所谓的“中国人”的钱,一边在背地里搞这些小动作。我想发一小部分他在社交网络转载的截图,至于其他的大家自己判断,我这边不便给予评论。 IMG_20190830_174112.jpg IMG_20190830_173955.jpg IMG_20190830_173924.jpg IMG_20190830_174016.jpg IMG_20190830_174038.jpg


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作者: 匿名    时间: 2019-8-30 14:03:30

提示: 该帖被管理员或版主屏蔽
作者: 匿名    时间: 2019-8-30 14:06:30

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作者: 匿名    时间: 2019-8-30 14:08:39

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作者: 匿名    时间: 2019-8-30 14:08:52

匿名者 发表于 2019-8-30 13:06


作者: 匿名    时间: 2019-8-30 14:10:55

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作者: 匿名    时间: 2019-8-30 14:10:57

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作者: 匿名    时间: 2019-8-30 14:14:09


作者: 匿名    时间: 2019-8-30 14:15:21

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作者: 大鸡鸡    时间: 2019-8-30 14:17:02

提示: 该帖被管理员或版主屏蔽
作者: 匿名    时间: 2019-8-30 14:18:13

大鸡鸡 发表于 2019-8-30 13:17



作者: 大鸡鸡    时间: 2019-8-30 14:23:11

匿名者 发表于 2019-8-30 13:18


作者: 匿名    时间: 2019-8-30 14:23:59

大鸡鸡 发表于 2019-8-30 13:23

这个人是个精神病 ...


作者: 蓝色敏骑    时间: 2019-8-30 14:26:34

作者: 图帝@-@    时间: 2019-8-30 14:28:05

作者: 匿名    时间: 2019-8-30 14:29:19

大鸡鸡 发表于 2019-8-30 13:17



作者: 图帝@-@    时间: 2019-8-30 14:30:02



作者: 我是小老鼠    时间: 2019-8-30 14:42:45

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: 匿名    时间: 2019-8-30 15:16:15


作者: 雪印清辉    时间: 2019-8-30 15:24:50

是不是看个肛门也要求别人信佛啊?一边检查菊花,一边说 哦弥陀佛
作者: dongyulbibo    时间: 2019-8-30 15:27:53

技术好个蛋 几年前牙被他手下毁了 然后找他看 问题没解决 欺负我不是专业的 跟我拿专业术语可劲儿掰扯 我去他二大爷了  回国一趟 半个小时人家国内刚上岗的小帅哥给我整好了
作者: ken555    时间: 2019-8-30 16:42:39

刚看完这个牙医的F B, 楼主说的没错
作者: joeistheman    时间: 2019-8-30 16:48:11

dongyulbibo 发表于 2019-8-30 14:27
技术好个蛋 几年前牙被他手下毁了 然后找他看 问题没解决 欺负我不是专业的 跟我拿专业术语可劲儿掰扯 我去 ...

作者: 误入    时间: 2019-8-30 16:51:35

作者: yangranwu    时间: 2019-8-30 16:53:57

作者: 32168    时间: 2019-8-30 16:55:22

yangranwu 发表于 2019-8-30 15:53
才知道?这个人就是大忽悠,经常软广告宣传自己,现在一边赚着中国人的钱一边骂中国人。。哎 ...


作者: 白胡子    时间: 2019-8-30 17:07:41


相关楼层屏蔽, 请编辑后私信我打开...

作者: 漂泊    时间: 2019-8-30 17:13:39

dongyulbibo 发表于 2019-8-30 14:27
技术好个蛋 几年前牙被他手下毁了 然后找他看 问题没解决 欺负我不是专业的 跟我拿专业术语可劲儿掰扯 我去 ...

嗯 也是在论坛看了软广告去的 然后费用超了不说 问题是非正式矫正牙医执照 收费可是不含糊 索性老二扔给一个中国牙医 便宜还好
作者: 匿名    时间: 2019-8-30 19:25:02

作者: bingqin    时间: 2019-8-30 20:50:14

作者: trdeyoualbert    时间: 2019-8-30 21:41:58

漂泊 发表于 2019-8-30 16:13
嗯 也是在论坛看了软广告去的 然后费用超了不说 问题是非正式矫正牙医执照 收费可是不含糊 索性老二扔给 ...


作者: 笑看人生 ^O^    时间: 2019-8-30 21:47:12

trdeyoualbert 发表于 2019-8-30 20:41




作者: Esipan    时间: 2019-8-30 21:53:28

作者: 匿名    时间: 2019-8-31 00:59:29

帖子被解禁了,希望更多人能认清这个虚伪牙医的另一面。抵制xxxxx dental +11111111,不过这家还是有一些不错的牙医,不能一棒子打死所有。毕竟这个人是个人行为

作者: LovingJiyeon    时间: 2019-8-31 01:05:54

作者: jackylam    时间: 2019-8-31 10:21:43

本帖最后由 jackylam 于 2019-8-31 10:05 编辑

我已經很久沒有回來Skykiwi, 有人告訴我這個, 要抹黑我,明人不做暗事!我有權利和責任聲明我的立場,因為與事實不符。 我今天還要上班,我盡力分段回應每一個Post,我從不寄望FML有理性的分析和討論, 但希望路過的,有獨立思想能力的人,可以明白理解我個人的看法立場,

1. 我是香港人, 中國香港人
2. 我是生於1972, 港英年代
3. 1990 已經移民新西蘭
4. 我太太是上海人, 中國上海人
5. 我47年人生到現在, 沒去過英國和歐洲,到美國2times, 去中國各大地方無限趟。。。。。。
6. 我不是港獨 - (港獨是希望香港獨立與中國分裂), 我在結婚之前後也沒有支持過香港獨立
7. 現在香港問題,生為一個香港人,我當然有我的看法, 我希望大家明白道理的人 , 可以理解一個中國香港人的看法。
8. 無理的指控我歧視印度人,希望匿名朋友提供證據, 因為新西蘭並不accept歧視


作者: jackylam    时间: 2019-8-31 10:25:32

本帖最后由 jackylam 于 2019-8-31 09:26 编辑

圖的 order 反了。。。。。。 please read from last photo and backward.

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作者: jackylam    时间: 2019-8-31 10:31:24

香港人的訴求,是沒有要港獨的。。。。。 我相信大部香港人,也包括我,也沒有要香港獨立。  
作者: FoodCritics    时间: 2019-8-31 10:31:52

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: 翁塞    时间: 2019-8-31 10:34:28

FoodCritics 发表于 2019-8-31 09:31
牙佬你不用证明什么的 你有权去相信你认为正确的事情 如果真有人为了别人的信念去抵制你生意 那种人也不 ...

作者: jackylam    时间: 2019-8-31 10:44:06

深藍 - support HK Government support police 100%
light blue - we just want a peaceful HK, so don't want protestors disrupt HK and affect economy
light yellow - We also want a peaceful HK, 希望透過 和平 理性 非暴力 to 表達訴求, 不support 暴力 (這是我一直的立場)
黃 - in between light yellow and deep yellow.
深黃 - 大家看到的 勇武派, use violence at frontline and against Police.

However, to me.... all of the above group are HK police / Government Vs Citizen in HK,  Its not against China or One country Two system.

last one is - someone want HK goes down to get benefits, - 希望香港動亂的人,  they are different colour......
.  They are the ones who destroy national flags, make money from situation, US, etc.  

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作者: jackylam    时间: 2019-8-31 10:51:43

我打英文比較快 。。。。。。

Colour changes  and citizen mood changes daily depends on what governement / Police / Media / News..... so i have friends who are yellow and change to blue..... i have friends from blue change to deep yellow......  

To me,  I still stand on my light yellow,  and i don't support all 5 訴求。。。。  i only support,  1. carrie lam must take full resposibility of the situation and resignation is a must for her, and 2, set up an independant investigation committee to review the whole thing and see who is behind for every crime, including US, Citizen, Governement, Police, News media. etc.   the other 3, i don't really care..... whether have 普選 or not, it doesn't worry me......

i feel pity for both good citizen, good police, good peaceful protestors, good governement officials.  but I am angry and will aganist violence, bad protestor, bad police, and bad chief executive.  

I believe in 法治, l believe Police has caught the guy who throw flag into the sea and also the people who hit china Press 付國豪, the court will reveal justice.

作者: jackylam    时间: 2019-8-31 10:52:55

I am sorry, but i really need to go to work now......... I am late already...... but i will try to share my thoughts..... but if FML can allow me to explain myself latter in the day, that will be great!

作者: yangranwu    时间: 2019-8-31 11:01:24

作者: jackylam    时间: 2019-8-31 11:09:41

yangranwu 发表于 2019-8-31 10:01
没必要洗地了,就冲你朋友圈经常称呼大陆人为中国人自己是香港人,还有必要洗么? ...

i m sorry.........  whenevver i ask any people who speak chinese..... i will ask, where are you from?  they will always say,  i am from shanghai, i am from beijing...... chinese talk to chinese always say which cities they are from! Hong Kong is part of China, like shen zhen wu han......  have you seen a shen zhen person talk to a wu han person and say, i am from china instead of i am from wu han?

作者: jackylam    时间: 2019-8-31 11:15:43

本帖最后由 jackylam 于 2019-8-31 10:18 编辑
yangranwu 发表于 2019-8-31 10:01
没必要洗地了,就冲你朋友圈经常称呼大陆人为中国人自己是香港人,还有必要洗么? ...

and why if you and others can say whatever you want to say here. Why can't I!

People can chooose to believe what they believe in..... I will never be able to make everyone believe my thoughts.... but at least i have my rights to tell everyone that's what i am thinking, what i believe in.  

If you don't believe it, thats very ok.  Thats democracy and you can choose what you want to support for. and I am not going to change your mind.   But i think i have my right to say what i believe in even i was born in HK!  

And i really think...... calling myself from HK,  its a fact and i think its a name not many hk people want to say in front of CYber brutatlity!  this is a name you guys all shame on, cause CHina is strong and hk is weak.... so what's wrong for us to call ourselve the weak person?  

作者: 翁塞    时间: 2019-8-31 11:40:45

jackylam 发表于 2019-8-31 10:15
and why if you and others can say whatever you want to say here. Why can't I!

People can chooose t ...

"People can chooose to believe what they believe in..... I will never be able to make everyone believe my thoughts.... but at least i have my rights to tell everyone that's what i am thinking, what i believe in."

作者: LovingJiyeon    时间: 2019-8-31 11:42:11

jackylam 发表于 2019-8-31 10:15
and why if you and others can say whatever you want to say here. Why can't I!

People can chooose t ...

mr lam,如果有人问我们where are you from,我们都会说im from china。如果细问which city,我们才会说具体的城市名字。
作者: yangranwu    时间: 2019-8-31 12:12:49

jackylam 发表于 2019-8-31 10:15
and why if you and others can say whatever you want to say here. Why can't I!

People can chooose t ...

作者: ilmaro    时间: 2019-8-31 12:22:34

本帖最后由 ilmaro 于 2019-8-31 11:44 编辑




作者: 翁塞    时间: 2019-8-31 12:29:36

ilmaro 发表于 2019-8-31 11:22
牙医老板已经表明了人生态度,他对国家,民族是有认同感的,也并不支持什么香港独立,没啥反华、误国言论 ...



作者: Esipan    时间: 2019-8-31 12:33:32

作者: yangranwu    时间: 2019-8-31 12:41:50

Esipan 发表于 2019-8-31 11:33
不用洗啦,不要向人民币低头,大家也都能看到你的facebook和朋友圈,嘴上喊着不是港独,各种转发反共,黑警 ...

作者: Esipan    时间: 2019-8-31 12:47:04

yangranwu 发表于 2019-8-31 11:41
是的,就是这个意思,我们支持所有自由言论,不管台独港独藏独疆独,但不支持拿起筷子吃肉,放下筷子骂娘 ...

对的,既然都来到新西兰了就应该包容各种言论,但是希望这位牙医有点Guts,不要赚着“大陆人”的钱,又干一些抹黑大陆的事情,新西兰人口这么多,不缺“大陆人”的市场,请坚持自己撑香港的立场。ps 大陆人都不叫自己大陆人
作者: jackylam    时间: 2019-8-31 12:51:00

yangranwu 发表于 2019-8-31 11:12
nz是个言论自由的国家,你大可以宣传你的思想和言论,即使港独,最好也光明正大一些,不要怕耽误挣钱。 ...

I have said what i have said and my view point.... please re-read and if you can't understand, i say it in english one more time...... I don't support or agree with Hong Kong independence.  I am against all violence, from both side, citizen and police. i support Police using reasonable force is right.... but a lot of people didn't see once protestor were caught, they have use unnecessary force against Protestor..... that's what i am against.


i am here to defend myself and i am not trying to convince anyone to support HK anymore.  I have done and tried to make people understand every stories are two sided....... thats why HK citizens across light blue to light yellow,  most of them want an independent investigation committee to review the whole crazy summer and find out the truth.........  Arguments in any debate are always two sided.  I wish i can say one last time..... Hong Kong is always part of China and I don't support 港獨。。。。。。。In fact most Hong Kong People i know... ( at least around my age group , my family, friends) NONE of them support 港獨.  regarding this topic, i have made myself very clear......

最好也光明正大一些,不要怕耽误挣钱 -  I think i have made it very clear, i used my real name real account and told everyone my 立場。。。。 i believe i am using my skill and experience to treat every patient regardless their race, their stand points and whether they agree with me or not..... Health professional - both here and china and china hk,  we will treat people with our patients fairly and whole heartly and professionally,  We never force people to come to us...... we invested in all latest technology from Germany Cerec AC , 3D cone beam CT, and latest 5D iTero Scanner for invisalign treatment.......we grow from one clinic to 16 clinics now in nz.  I think we treat people right and provided a Fair service with a Fair Price, thats why we can grow to this scale.  Who doesn't need to work and who doesn't need to feed family?  Everyone works and try to find a living in NZ, and nz customers are from all kind of diversity including migrants from china as a whole.  I have declared my 立場 - 一個中國,不support 港獨,its up to every readers to make their judgement。

sorry, i wish i can explain more.... but i have a full day of surgery and i will try to reply in between patients.
作者: 翁塞    时间: 2019-8-31 12:59:43

jackylam 发表于 2019-8-31 11:51
I have said what i have said and my view point.... please re-read and if you can't understand, i s ...

“i used my real name real account and told everyone my 立場”


作者: 直面异议    时间: 2019-8-31 13:07:47

jackylam 发表于 2019-8-31 11:51
I have said what i have said and my view point.... please re-read and if you can't understand, i s ...

“People can chooose to believe what they believe in..... I will never be able to make everyone believe my thoughts.... but at least i have my rights to tell everyone that's what i am thinking, what i believe in.  “


人们是用行为来判定对一个人的看法的,而不是语言!words are cheap!

借用“To be, or not to be: that is the question:”,在这件事上,如何回答这个question 是你的举动而非言辞!


“I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It”


作者: jackylam    时间: 2019-8-31 13:14:41

LovingJiyeon 发表于 2019-8-31 10:42
mr lam,如果有人问我们where are you from,我们都会说im from china。如果细问which city,我们才会说 ...

i was saying on the basis we both chinese speaking mandarin,  anyway,  the main point about this post is for me to clarify once and for all and i will let FML to F whatever they want F and i get on M L.  


i wish you don't misunderstand me about this.... cause wechat has censorship.....  alot of news which might not come thru wechat if they think its sensitive, like 8964.  that's what i am trying to say......


i think we have to agree that there are 文化差異,  its not one or two generation can resolve this 内心深处。 but i don't agree [把香港和大陆分开的],  we have a border but from historical point of view or Factual handover at 1997, HK is part of china and its a fact and no one can deny it.  However文化差異 always will present...... even for me, who has come and lived in NZ for over 29 years (out of my 47) I always feel HK is my home..... NZ is always a strange and mix feeling.........and I eat chinese as many time as possible in nz and in fact i still favourite HK style food more than any other food.  I don't think its a 分开.....  i think HK people has accepted and modifying themselve gradually.....   it takes many generation..... but we are working on it.... so please be gentle on this issue....... =)
作者: yangranwu    时间: 2019-8-31 13:26:55

jackylam 发表于 2019-8-31 11:51
I have said what i have said and my view point.... please re-read and if you can't understand, i s ...

作者: 陌生的香港人    时间: 2019-8-31 13:28:56

本帖最后由 陌生的香港人 于 2019-8-31 12:45 编辑

噢 這裡做牙醫的香港人很多 我聽過但不認識這位林醫生 只想說兩句

其實很多香港人對這件事情緒也是很複雜 這個林鄭政府確實夠爛了 但我不明白為什麼示威者會只衝著執法的警察甚至他們家人來罵 這本身就是莫名其妙的事 人家不過是執法而已  這只反映他們爭取所謂民主背後的幼稚 再說那些示威者自己也不是省油的燈 可我不認同上面說  “那仇警是否等于仇政府?这不是一种变相的分裂国家吗?”  這樣說太極端了吧? 我只能說我不是黃也不是藍 只想以事論事

沒看過這位林牙醫的朋友圈/FB  不作評論

至於樓上有人說說自己是香港人就等於不認自己是中國人 - 這個我不認同  客觀歷史和事實是香港的確是和中國大陸各方面是很不同  就像台灣和中國大陸一樣  說自己是香港人 很多港英時代來的人都會這樣  但這不代表他們不承認自己是中國人 我也會和人說我 come from Hong Kong  (就好像我的網名) 但我絕對也會大聲和人說我是Chinese   兩者卻不是互相排斥  中港台實為一家人  當然如果有人愛上綱上線那也沒什麼好說了
作者: jackylam    时间: 2019-8-31 13:30:46

FoodCritics 发表于 2019-8-31 09:31
牙佬你不用证明什么的 你有权去相信你认为正确的事情 如果真有人为了别人的信念去抵制你生意 那种人也不 ...

thank you for being understanding..... I think i come out is  not to win or lose and nothing about business.  

Even someone comes in with a mind to spread an Anti me or anti my business..... I want to come in peace and just let FML reader to make their own decisions,  some of the allegation is mis-understood, some is totally outrageous!  I have never discriminate any people based on their race.

作者: jackylam    时间: 2019-8-31 13:59:36

As an immigrant, i have done and supported as many immigrants througout my career.  i have asked my manager to give me a report on our cultural diversity.....We have 46 staffs (non dentist), 1 kiwi, 4 samoan, 11 indian, 3 iran, 1 syria, 1 venezuela,   from China - 24 (1 taiwan ,4 hk, 4 shanghai and 15 from various cities)

if i am really discriminating indian, why hire them at the first place?  secondly,  we always follow government rules and never underpaid like some indian restaurants paid their staff like 5 dollars an hours.  we always paid at or above government minimum wages.

I don't involve in my company staff recruitment process to ensure i am fair to everyone.  I only work 3 days a weeks, 2 days in palmerston north.  I only involved in dentist recruitment.  i have been doing that for over 15 years......   last year, we hired 5 graduates,  1 china hk, 1 malayisa, 1 indian, 1 local born chinese, 1 Oman from middle east.......     I worked with any nurses assigned by my GM and i worked with all races dental assistant thruout my career.   I haven't recalled any one incident between me and my nurses.  

I will present our dentists profile and again hope i can clear myself about i discriminate indian.....

Sorry still got patients and i m just answering in between..... sorry for answering in English because i type faster.

I will reply every single one of allegations especially when i have finished work at 8pm tonight.....

thank you for being understanding
作者: jackylam    时间: 2019-8-31 14:04:53

Just want to say

I come here in Peace..... i don't want any fight..... i just want to say out my view point and answered all questions or allegations and then i will go to shanghai next week and see my families in China (Shanghai and Hong Kong).     

I will answer as much as i can today and tonight.   sorry, but i really have patients now, got to go.  but i will be back....  not for a fight, but a 和平 理想 非暴力 的 FML 討論。  i m sure we can at least listen to each other voices and allow each others to express their views and let readers make their own decisions at the end.
作者: CJ商铺    时间: 2019-8-31 14:08:54

作者: jackylam    时间: 2019-8-31 14:19:22

本帖最后由 jackylam 于 2019-8-31 13:22 编辑

Dentist - total 26 .... 1 Hygienist ......  they are from   1 Oman 1 Sri Lankan, 1 Pakistani, 1 Thai, 1 Venezuelan, 1 Iraq, 1 NZ, 1 UK,  2 Korean,  12 chinese ( 3x HK, 1 Taiwan, 8 malaysian with 1 local born) 5 indian (1 from singapore)

I am more directly responsible for them, not my staff.   I wish the 匿名 person tell me how did i discriminate my indian staff?  thats very serious allegation! Lately, one indian staff falsely claimed his working time and we caught them on security camera, its a very serious incident.  the person leave work without signing out, and come back few hours later to sign out and claimed extra time.  But both himself and his wife wrote to us and apologized, our management has decided to keep them but giving them a final warning n repaid the hours he/she falsely claimed....... I really don't see how i or we discriminate indian........ or any race......

i didn't cut this video...... but i always tried to treat people with respect and honour.  This is our 20th anniversary chirstmas dinner and award ceremony.

作者: jackylam    时间: 2019-8-31 15:09:02

CJ商铺 发表于 2019-8-31 13:08

i dont care about politics..... but i care about justice, injustice, and unfairness in the society.... We can't stop all violence anywhere in the world,  Police can catch them and put them to court!  Thats the society I believe in! Whoever throw the national flag to victoria harbour, and those people who hit the press at airport, they have been caught and face law and order and get punishment.... Thats a fair society!   But when Police hit people they are under arrested, torture them in a secret cell.... Its no longer a country issue, its a humanity issue!  When Police break the laws, who is going to supervise them?  ( i am not saying they are doing their duty!  I am saying if they do something illegal or above the law and above their duty,  they need to be monitored as well.  thats why we need independant investigation committee to overlook everyone, both citizens and police!  
作者: 翁塞    时间: 2019-8-31 15:16:33

jackylam 发表于 2019-8-31 09:31
香港人的訴求,是沒有要港獨的。。。。。 我相信大部香港人,也包括我,也沒有要香港獨立。   ...



作者: 陌生的香港人    时间: 2019-8-31 15:48:21

本帖最后由 陌生的香港人 于 2019-8-31 16:38 编辑
翁塞 发表于 2019-8-31 14:16
记得当年的中华人民共和国副主席刘少奇同志 ...

那些港獨黃絲不也一樣哈 只要覺得你意見和他們不是一夥的 就是排擠和搞針對  所以說其實大家骨子裡都是中國人 他們不認也得認 立場雖然不同 但沒本質上的區別 他們還說要追求民主呢  呵呵
作者: zixuan8252    时间: 2019-8-31 16:08:36

LovingJiyeon 发表于 2019-8-31 10:42
mr lam,如果有人问我们where are you from,我们都会说im from china。如果细问which city,我们才会说 ...

看来不仅仅只有我一个人发现这个牙医老板披着争取香港冥主的外衣在fb上宣传 摸黑我们中国和我们的现行制度。 我早在14年左右 占中 雨伞革命的时候 就一直关注他的fb ,说他支持gandu 一点都不冤枉他
作者: yangranwu    时间: 2019-8-31 16:16:40

zixuan8252 发表于 2019-8-31 15:08
看来不仅仅只有我一个人发现这个牙医老板披着争取香港冥主的外衣在fb上宣传 摸黑我们中国和我们的现行制 ...

大家都知道,本来没什么,言论自由嘛。可惜做了不敢认,还是人民币面子更大,哈哈哈。想起台湾的国民党那些人 也都是台独 但不敢明着认 还想赚大陆的钱,还真不如民进党光明磊落
作者: 图帝@-@    时间: 2019-8-31 16:17:34


作者: 留下足迹    时间: 2019-8-31 16:20:49

我是小老鼠 发表于 2019-8-30 13:42
一直都知道是香港人,以前挺活跃的,喜欢在坛子里发软广告。还有一个租车公司的也是。。。哈哈!!! ...


作者: yangranwu    时间: 2019-8-31 16:24:38

图帝@-@ 发表于 2019-8-31 15:17
真的很奇怪,紐西蘭是一個言論自由的國家,每個人都有權表達自己的思想和政治傾向,我說你是港獨你就是港獨?你 ...

没有批斗,过往证据言论都摆在那,网上不也都是辩论么,绝对不是批斗。说你是强奸犯你也会不承认嘛 因为你肯定不是 否则警察叔叔早就把你抓起来了
作者: 图帝@-@    时间: 2019-8-31 16:26:10

yangranwu 发表于 2019-8-31 15:24
没有批斗,过往证据言论都摆在那,网上不也都是辩论么,绝对不是批斗。说你是强奸犯你也会不承认嘛 因为 ...


作者: yangranwu    时间: 2019-8-31 16:30:59

图帝@-@ 发表于 2019-8-31 15:26

作者: sky-horse    时间: 2019-8-31 16:35:22

图帝@-@ 发表于 2019-8-31 15:17
真的很奇怪,紐西蘭是一個言論自由的國家,每個人都有權表達自己的思想和政治傾向,我說你是港獨你就是港獨?你 ...



作者: jackylam    时间: 2019-8-31 16:37:14

zixuan8252 发表于 2019-8-31 15:08
看来不仅仅只有我一个人发现这个牙医老板披着争取香港冥主的外衣在fb上宣传 摸黑我们中国和我们的现行制 ...

when did i 摸黑我们中国和我们的现行制度?????

chinese people can post costco shanghai, and HK people post costco is GANDU?

占中 雨伞革命 until now!  We have never asked for HK independent!  We are against HK government and its brutality towards HK people!

If i don't like a school teacher and against a school teacher,  does it mean i am against the whole school or the headmaster??????

I am not supporting brutality of HK police and overuse of force especially after they have captured the protestors and torturing in secret cells.  I will never support any of those whether its in HK, CHINA, NZ or anywhere around the world.  Its about humanity, not about your love to your country!  Moreover, we are always talking about HK police and HK local Chief executive,  every protest the main focus are on them, even back in 2014 as well!  its not against china nor One country issue!

HK is under one country two system and we have certain rights in the jurisdiction. Including protesting right.  
作者: 图帝@-@    时间: 2019-8-31 16:37:57

yangranwu 发表于 2019-8-31 15:30

作者: sky-horse    时间: 2019-8-31 16:40:54

图帝@-@ 发表于 2019-8-31 15:17
真的很奇怪,紐西蘭是一個言論自由的國家,每個人都有權表達自己的思想和政治傾向,我說你是港獨你就是港獨?你 ...

作者: zixuan8252    时间: 2019-8-31 16:42:35

sky-horse 发表于 2019-8-31 15:35
真的很奇怪,紐西蘭是一個言論自由的國家,每個人都有權表達自己的思想和政治傾向,我說你是港獨你就是港獨 ...

新西兰不是说有言论自由的吗,那我从他一直几年来发表的言论和支持香港雨伞革命 占中,反送中行动,我内心深处就认定这个人和我的政治理念不同, 这也是一直讨论,没有批斗他的意思。 就只是觉得 你要gandu就正大光明的说出来, 你有捍卫你理念的自由,我也有不喜欢去一家整天摸黑造谣我们国家 人民 生活习惯的yayi诊所的自由。
作者: 我是小老鼠    时间: 2019-8-31 16:43:17

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: 图帝@-@    时间: 2019-8-31 16:45:11

sky-horse 发表于 2019-8-31 15:40
图帝,我细细琢磨,你这个比喻有点不恰当,你女朋友说你是流氓诈骗强奸犯,或许你真的是,因为只有你女朋 ...


作者: nasi_chilli    时间: 2019-8-31 16:51:44

you can actually find out who tried to defame you and sue the original poster who tried to smear you. you don't actually need to explain if you are discriminating any race because it will be the judge to decide.

if this smear campaign affected your business and you cannot find the original poster, you can even try to sue skykiwi
作者: jackylam    时间: 2019-8-31 16:55:29

1. I move to NZ in 1990 and start working 1996 and i spend my whole life working in NZ earning NZD.
2. I have never earned RMB in my life.
3. As a health professional, we treat people the same way regardless their nationality.
4. As you can see our profile, We not only delivering service to chinese speaking people only, we are delivering treatment to a multi cultural city in Auckland.
5. I come here is to make myself clear about my view point.  Not here to win patients or lose patients. I have said my viewpoints already,  and declared already, i will never support brutality in nz , hk or china... its about humanity, nothing to do with China vs HK.  Just that Hong Kong is my home, I care and post more about issues in HK, especially for people who only see one sided stories
6. We are here deliver the most technological advanced equipments and treatments to everyone in NZ. Regardless your skin colour, your political view point.  We are dentist and we deliver dental services.  You can choose whoever you want to go as always.  But i have made that clear to you already.

7. There are different colours.... to make this world beautiful.......  about one country, i have made myself clear.  about HK and HK government,  about current issues, i have also made myself very clear.....  You can point a deer and say its a horse.........  or see a horse as a deer.... its your right.......u can call them whatever you want to call them......   

8.  I support peaceful rational non violent protest.. if someone really love your town, city, or country, you should fight for justice and a fair society!

9.  Finally,  if you reall love china as you have said....... Naming someone GANDU or whatever is not helping your country!   If You really love a country,  go and make them understand, not shouting at, verbally abuse or cyber violence them!     
作者: 留下足迹    时间: 2019-8-31 16:57:20

我是小老鼠 发表于 2019-8-31 15:43
对对对,不是一个人。我只是说他们两个香港人都很cheap,以前喜欢在坛子里打软广告。。。哈哈!!! ...

作者: yangranwu    时间: 2019-8-31 17:01:22

图帝@-@ 发表于 2019-8-31 15:37


作者: zixuan8252    时间: 2019-8-31 17:12:33

yangranwu 发表于 2019-8-31 16:01
完全没问题,我也一直支持台独,港独,都独立出去才好。这些年大陆一直忍让着这两个孩子,打不得,骂不得 ...

是呀,当我们大陆人把台湾人 香港人当着同胞对待的同时 换来的是一部分优越感特强的湾湾 和香港人恶狠狠地骂你支那狗。只有去一次香港 台湾旅游 就知道我们从小都被政府洗脑,洗成我们都以为最美的风景就是人,却不知道, 当大陆旅游团去台湾旅游时候不幸遭遇火烧车,台湾ppt上面都是一片烧死支那猪的言论,或者在香港机场只要拿中国身份证的普通游客也会被gandu废青暴打。
作者: 陌生的香港人    时间: 2019-8-31 17:14:54

本帖最后由 陌生的香港人 于 2019-8-31 16:49 编辑
yangranwu 发表于 2019-8-31 16:01
完全没问题,我也一直支持台独,港独,都独立出去才好。这些年大陆一直忍让着这两个孩子,打不得,骂不得 ...

不是想和你吵啊老兄  只是細心想想 如果中國大陸真的有你說的這個開明 開放和胸襟  想的話真的可以"都獨立出去才好"  那可能困擾兩岸三地那麼多年的問題就已經不再是問題了  那他們還有什麼必要真的去“獨”呢?
作者: yangranwu    时间: 2019-8-31 17:20:50

陌生的香港人 发表于 2019-8-31 16:14
不是想和你吵啊老兄  只是如果中國大陸真的有你說的這個開明 開放和胸襟  想的話真的可以"都獨立出去才好" ...

兄弟 我很理智 没有争吵的意思。所以我一直气大陆政府太软弱,就为了所谓的领土完整,一忍再忍,一让再让。明明深圳he上海完全可以取代香港的自由港,但是还是把最好的政策都给香港。明明可以大力发展福建,但为台湾人民的幸福,这么多年硬生生的压着福建不发展,这就是为什么这么多福建人出走海外的根本原因。大陆人民牺牲太大了,还被这些所谓“同胞”看不起,我们差什么,大陆人才辈出?分分钟秒掉这些香港台湾人们,可气有个不够硬气的政府!
作者: 陌生的香港人    时间: 2019-8-31 17:34:05

本帖最后由 陌生的香港人 于 2019-8-31 16:37 编辑
yangranwu 发表于 2019-8-31 16:20
兄弟 我很理智 没有争吵的意思。所以我一直气大陆政府太软弱,就为了所谓的领土完整,一忍再忍,一让再让 ...


深圳和上海能取代香港這個不容置疑的  只是中國也需要香港作為一個緩衝和西方世界周旋  這個角色無奈在現制度下的確是上海深圳也做不來 之前以為沒必要了 但今天看來恐怕還是需要繼續的 -  所以世局就是那麼詭異有趣了

作者: yangranwu    时间: 2019-8-31 17:35:42

陌生的香港人 发表于 2019-8-31 16:34

深圳和上海能取代香港這個不容置疑的  只是中國也需要香港作為一個緩衝和 ...

作者: 隔夜饭    时间: 2019-8-31 17:35:55

作者: jackylam    时间: 2019-8-31 17:36:37

yangranwu 发表于 2019-8-31 16:20
兄弟 我很理智 没有争吵的意思。所以我一直气大陆政府太软弱,就为了所谓的领土完整,一忍再忍,一让再让 ...

Hi,  i don't agree with you, i think china is doing just right and very very smart!  i think to take over 7 millions people and maybe 20 millions people,  it takes time and it need tolerance.  its might take 50 years or even 100 years to merge different culture values together.  I think HK is adapting and making progress.  unfortunately with the Trump trade wars, and an inefficient hk government, its making a mess in hk.  

shanghai, shen zhen, beijing, taipei, LA, NY. every cities has its strength and weakeness.  i am sure every part of china has something they should be proud of!  Only way to shorten the merging is mutal respect and try to help people to understand, and keep positive communication on!  

作者: jackylam    时间: 2019-8-31 17:43:40

隔夜饭 发表于 2019-8-31 16:35
可能最近没看他朋友圈一段时间了,原来变港 ...

i have made myself very clear, but its up to you to come or not.  =)

in summary, i support one china and hk is part of china. but we are protesting againist HK Police brutality and unlawful or excessive use of force towards its citizen... we don't blame the police as much... we blame our Chief executive, Carrie Lam, try to hide behind police and put all the pressure on them.

many hk citizen feel sorry for the good police as well!  But there are certainly black police and they are what we are protesting and against!

But i respect your decision to come again or not.  I wish the reason people come to smile dental because we are delivering quality services.  Nothing more and nothing less.

作者: 匿名    时间: 2019-8-31 17:52:49


作者: 陌生的香港人    时间: 2019-8-31 17:57:26

本帖最后由 陌生的香港人 于 2019-8-31 17:13 编辑
jackylam 发表于 2019-8-31 16:43
i have made myself very clear, but its up to you to come or not.  =)

in summary, i support one ch ...

老話人家係‘黑警’ ("black police") 本身就是個問題  混亂衝突中不是你打我就是我打你  受傷也是難免的 示威者中的暴徒掟磚鐵通甚至放火汽油彈這個不是brutality  警察來來去去就放催淚彈胡椒噴霧揮警棍 卻叫brutality?  眼部受傷那個少女是不是真的警察所傷還需要驗證 (據聞她還沒報警) 但沙田新城市廣場衝突一樣有警察被打斷手指呢 (沒人提他了) 那就不是brutal 了?

都是果句 打起上來刀劍無眼 怎能只怪責一方?

當然元朗單野我都覺得有問題 只是不要忘記示威者初期已經開始掟磚了 整體來說 我覺得警察已經非常克制了 革命不是請客吃飯 佢地出得來搞所謂的“光復革命”是不是應該預到有這樣的結果呢? 難道要衝要打 警察還不能出來行動仲要和示威者影相俾佢地放FB 拿like?

認同林鄭應負全責 不過她現在怎能resign? 爛攤子搞成咁  仲有邊個肯做 ?

作者: jackylam    时间: 2019-8-31 18:17:22

本帖最后由 jackylam 于 2019-8-31 17:22 编辑
陌生的香港人 发表于 2019-8-31 16:57
老話人家係‘黑警’ ("black police") 本身就是個問題  混亂衝突中不是你打我就是我打你  受傷也是難免的  ...

Yes, I don't agree throwing bricks and let alone gas bomb!  They should face the Law and get punishment and thats why i don't agree with all the 5 requests by them.  i only agree on withdrawal of the bill and set up independent investigation committee to review the whole thing.

i never say violence protestors are correct, from my understanding the protestor who bite police fingers off, person who throw national flag to the harbour, and those people who hit the press from china,  they have all caught and already waiting to be hear in the court.  I believe who did bad things should face penalty.  Thats the society we want.  

however, news everyday and so many use of force without following police accordance and manufactuerer recommendation, we hope the independant investigation committee will clear them as well if they have done nothing wrong.    i never 只歸責一方,   but i have a footage which is three police has alreay jumped on a protestor and he is already under arrest,  the police officer hit his face twice while he is completely under arrest and purposely hit his face and knocked his teeth out..... that's the brutality i talked about. I am willing to share this with everyone.  And latest news are  50 people were caught n taken to a secret cells and when comes out 39 people got fractures, multiple fractures, intra cranial brain bleeding etc.   and female arrested got sexually hassressed.  I hope that's not true.... if yes..... HK is no longer the HK we know.

i think you can see each independant incident as a single incidence..... but many light blue turn yellow is becos of Yuen Long as well....... it was doggie......... I think yuen long incident is the biggest turning point......... if police or PR of Police, send two cops there and fight with the citizens against the black triad..... I beleive not as many people as now will stand with yellow.......  i think i am not asking them to take picture with protesters..... and i agree the police shoot in the air is a necessity as well after watching the video.  But its a spiral dive..... each others are feeding more and more into the fire..... and the fire is already out of control......  to me, both side must step back and cool down and hope government will iniitate talks and take some positive action to resolve the situation instead of just putting police up against protestors........ that's my view.... i just want peaceful resolution.......
作者: 陌生的香港人    时间: 2019-8-31 18:26:34

本帖最后由 陌生的香港人 于 2019-8-31 18:32 编辑
jackylam 发表于 2019-8-31 17:17
Yes, I don't agree throwing bricks and let alone gas bomb!  They should face the Law and get punis ...

同意 香港已經不是我們所認識的香港了 尤其是我們離開了那麼久的

不過所謂成立獨立委員會 這個所謂訴求從day 1開始針對的都好似是警察而已 能不能查埋示威者呢? 我懷疑如果委員會的結果一樣譴責示威者  黃人會不會一樣連這些獨立委員會委員都圍?  還有這個COI 的權限係邊?

雖然我們互不認識 但大家既然都是在紐西蘭的香港人 建議你都係執下你個朋友圈和FB啦 D 大是大非的  我們身處海外又影響唔到 不管你立場如何 都係私底下吹下水就算咯  哈哈
作者: jackylam    时间: 2019-8-31 18:28:48

陌生的香港人 发表于 2019-8-31 16:57
老話人家係‘黑警’ ("black police") 本身就是個問題  混亂衝突中不是你打我就是我打你  受傷也是難免的  ...

and i believe you are from HK too?  You should know, HK has a broad spectrum from deep blue to deep yellow, there are certainly some pocket of people in hk are pro-independance, but i believe its a small minority and majority of HK people are just happy with current one country two system and just want to make a living and feed families.   

I will never agree with people who say majority of hk people who is wearing black = GANDU...... i think its a twisted view spread by media and i just want to tell as many people as i can, its not true.......  
作者: jackylam    时间: 2019-8-31 18:36:28

本帖最后由 jackylam 于 2019-8-31 17:44 编辑
陌生的香港人 发表于 2019-8-31 17:26
同意 香港已經不是我們所認識的香港了 尤其是我們離開了那麼久的

不過所謂成立獨立委員會 這個所謂訴求 ...

不過所謂成立獨立委員會 這個所謂訴求從day 1開始針對的都好似是警察而已 能不能查埋示威者呢?

Yes,  wong G Phone and all others, when indepedent committee call them, there is a legal bidding authority, even Carrie Lam down to G phone need to go....... but do u know one thing?  some insider told me...... once you have been investigated by the committee and u released your information from your side, you could get exemption from criminal procecution.  i got told by one of the Blue people.... So actually, even you have the committee,  they could get exempted from legal consequences....  so its more about truth finding, not try to nail someone and put them to jail.

我懷疑如果委員會的結果一樣譴責示威者  黃人會不會一樣連這些獨立委員會委員都圍?  還有這個COI 的權限係邊?

i don't know, but i don't think so..... yong wu, maybe will, but the he li fei  won't support them anymore!

i think COI is to puzzle the truth and present to public and they can't prosecute people and i think they have power to protect people so they can tell the truth.

雖然我們互不認識 但大家既然都是在紐西蘭的香港人 建議你都係執下你個朋友圈和FB啦 D 大是大非的 我們身處海外又影響唔到的都係私底下吹下水就算咯  哈哈

i understand..... like an old song Vincent -  the ending of the songs are like this.  `They would not listen and they would not listen still, perhaps they never will......'  thats why i have given up already......  my first child is coming and i just want protest settle soon so my wife can get to hospital in HK and no need go thru road blocks after road blocks.....
nice to meet you anyway!  Add Oil! no matter which colour we are in, i believe only HK people will love HK the most!  a civilised city like hk, we should allow different views and yet still can chat and still be friends.

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