haha, the same old yakety yak tankety tank ratty rat with a sewer mouth slobbering on at nineteen to a dozen. Talking down on people, stirring up controversies, getting a kick out of playing micky is what you do all day every day and for that routine to continue for 10 years on end is a real feat to congratulate you on. So kudos to my dear mouse. 作者: 豆腐教徒 时间: 2019-8-1 11:52:18
tina223 发表于 2019-8-1 10:48
haha, the same old yakety yak tankety tank ratty rat with a sewer mouth slobbering on at nineteen to ...
hello binto. Long time. You are a marvelous specimen of longevity having outlived most of the people I know here and still going strong every day. Hows you been?作者: 蓝色敏骑 时间: 2019-8-1 12:14:30
Dude, what's up? Don't keep lying without remorse, and nothing more than self -entertaining ,moreover ,threats and intimidation will never work on俺们 Big Beijing作者: sling 时间: 2019-8-2 19:26:14