标题: 战狼 & Hongkong girl [打印本页]
作者: 匿名 时间: 2019-7-31 13:21:48 标题: 战狼 & Hongkong girl
本帖最后由 匿名 于 2019-7-31 12:34 编辑
Both the China guy and the hongky girl are embarrassments to themselves.
Surely she would have expected to receive defensive comments from China people when setting up a stall that paints their home country in bad light.
The incident started with the guy asking a question in mandarin and the girl pretended she couldn’t understand mandarin when clearly with her broken English, she is no way a native English speaker for the China guys to even try arguing.
Obviously English isn't the guy’s first language and clearly he isn't able to articulate himself in English hence asking her to speak in a language they can both communicate in, which is fair enough in common sense. But the girl was lying that she did not understand what he was saying which antagonised him further and caused frustration and anger.
Certainly the way the China guy reacted in wasn't great. But there are 2 sides to every story and in this instance they both had their own points in which they both had some level of vadility but the way they both behaved in was an embarrassment to themselves.
This was not a case of freedom of speech but a case of arrogance and spitefulness on her behalf. Not to mentioned it is cringing seeing people like her behave like this (stunt performance).
Note how I use China people instead of Chinese people as despite some Hongkong people’s objections. We are all Chinese at the end of the day no matter where we are born...
图片附件: 01.jpg (2019-7-31 13:19:32, 113.59 KB) / 下载次数 2

作者: 匿名 时间: 2019-7-31 13:22:51
Regarding to the protests in Hongkong, people argued for full freedom of speech and rights that they affirmatively all deserve. But some of them went too far and have no clue how the real world works. Imagine those abusive protesters in the states, they would be shut down in an instant and with full police brutality.
When people are so set in their ways, there truly is no point in trying... god rescue HK from itself for truly it will take a miracle
作者: 大胸之罩 时间: 2019-7-31 13:24:31
作者: 匿名 时间: 2019-7-31 13:27:17
本帖最后由 匿名 于 2019-7-31 12:30 编辑
作者: bintoo 时间: 2019-7-31 13:27:37
作者: 豆腐教徒 时间: 2019-7-31 13:27:51
作者: trdeyoualbert 时间: 2019-7-31 13:28:30
豆腐教徒 发表于 2019-7-31 12:27 
作者: rabbit 时间: 2019-7-31 13:31:43
豆腐教徒 发表于 2019-7-31 12:27 
+1 .。。。。。。。。
作者: kelvinleee 时间: 2019-7-31 13:39:55
豆腐教徒 发表于 2019-7-31 12:27 
作者: bluekiwisky 时间: 2019-7-31 13:42:59
作者: FoodCritics 时间: 2019-7-31 13:43:33
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作者: 匿名 时间: 2019-7-31 13:45:46
作者: 豆腐教徒 时间: 2019-7-31 13:58:10
rabbit 发表于 2019-7-31 12:31 
+1 .。。。。。。。。
作者: x_langmui_x 时间: 2019-7-31 14:23:25
Ur english is embarrasing. Gave up after 2 lines..
If you can't type chinese at work, wait till u get home from work and post in chinese
作者: 261874939 时间: 2019-7-31 14:39:13
哇 看的脑壳疼啊。。这是什么英语啊?
作者: rachelxi 时间: 2019-7-31 15:01:12
写得挺好的,用词还是很准确,因为有人的挑动让整个事件没有讨论的空间,你们要跟大陆甚至新西兰出生的中国学生讨论的“反送中”,简简单单不做功课似的说“因为我们不信CPP,CPP 压迫HK”,这就是廉价的political propaganda,没有任何说服力,一个完整的描述“聂树斌案”胜过你瞎JB吼一千遍“we demand democracy".
作者: 飞狗 时间: 2019-7-31 15:03:45
没中文翻译么? 差评
作者: 匿名 时间: 2019-7-31 21:09:56
大胸之罩 发表于 2019-7-31 12:24 
谢谢印度大胸弟. 还是看英文吧.
作者: a366232446 时间: 2019-7-31 21:45:23
写得不错啊,HK女孩很容易挑起了小战狼的怒火,自以为能引导媒体。 现在停不下来了,后面等着中国网民的反扑吧。
作者: nasi_chilli 时间: 2019-7-31 22:35:42
x_langmui_x 发表于 2019-7-31 13:23
Ur english is embarrasing. Gave up after 2 lines..
If you can't type chinese at work, wait till u g ...
作者: rabbit 时间: 2019-7-31 22:54:50
豆腐教徒 发表于 2019-7-31 12:58 
作者: 豆腐教徒 时间: 2019-7-31 22:55:22
rabbit 发表于 2019-7-31 21:54 
作者: ptwzjs 时间: 2019-7-31 23:13:11
作者: 匿名 时间: 2019-7-31 23:13:41
匿名者 发表于 2019-7-31 12:45 
这里是中文论坛,请说普通话。你说的英语我看不懂。楼主是不是在谴责港女假摔碰瓷?我也觉得碰瓷很不要脸。 ...
作者: 匿名 时间: 2019-7-31 23:15:09
ptwzjs 发表于 2019-7-31 22:13 
尊重你在大学校园里自由表达的权利,但你没有扯淡和碰瓷的权利啊你~~~~~~~~~ ...
挑衅, 撒谎, 碰瓷...............
作者: 匿名 时间: 2019-7-31 23:26:33
rachelxi 发表于 2019-7-31 14:01 
写得挺好的,用词还是很准确,因为有人的挑动让整个事件没有讨论的空间,你们要跟大陆甚至新西兰出生的中国 ...
某些人陷得太深, 已经忘了初衷, 更不知道回头.
作者: 游客 时间: 2019-7-31 23:36:10
我觉得lz说的挺好啊 挺客观的
作者: tina223 时间: 2019-8-1 11:15:58
作者: tina223 时间: 2019-8-1 12:02:09
the gal spoke good English lar. not sure how you think a native speaker could have said it differently. btw its not natural to call the fall a stunt performance, more of a flopper to someone's eyes. However, whilst we can have our thoughts on what the truth really is (or does it really matter what the truth is or what people think it is), the gal has through the fourth estate made it clear that she didn't fake it; for us to really appreciate the beauty of freedom of speech and practice it, let's give the gal the better of doubt, shan't we?
作者: 驴是念来过倒 时间: 2019-8-1 12:08:55
作者: 蓝色敏骑 时间: 2019-8-1 12:12:01
作者: 匿名 时间: 2019-8-1 12:22:54
tina223 发表于 2019-8-1 11:02 
the gal spoke good English lar. not sure how you think a native speaker could have said it different ...
he/she edited it after seeing the comments LOL
作者: 太阳鸟鸟 时间: 2019-8-1 12:27:27
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作者: 匿名 时间: 2019-8-1 13:19:52
本帖最后由 匿名 于 2019-8-1 12:22 编辑
tina223 发表于 2019-8-1 11:02 
the gal spoke good English lar. not sure how you think a native speaker could have said it different ...
Thanks Tina, but I think you completely missed the point here, which is that the girl was lying when she claimed she did not understand mandarin.
Regarding to the fall, there are thousandsof 3rd party comments online, majority of which considered it artificial.
I fully agree with you that freedom of speech is essential, and certainly the girl can protest against the bill. However,as per comment above, it's not a case of freedom of speech but a case of arrogance and spitefulness on her behalf. Being a Cantonese with considerable Hongkong background, it makes me cringe seeing people like her behave like this.
作者: 匿名 时间: 2019-8-1 14:19:20
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作者: sun2kiwi 时间: 2019-8-1 16:05:34
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