PR去读国立本科,例如AKL U, AUT, MASSEY什么的根本不用什么雅思的
不用的,你如果超過21嵗了,想讀大學,就讀。。。作者: 虫虫冲冲 时间: 2006-8-25 13:26:40
今天在一个小路的四叉路口,被一个kiwi警察罚了$150,理由是stop线没停! 当时那个警察正在和另一个kiwi说话,我刚过路口他就把我拦了下来,我还觉得很奇怪。当时的情况是,我不仅停了,还让了左边过去的一辆白车。 我问police你有没有看到我还让了那个白车,他说他看见了,然后觉得理亏又狡辩说,虽然我让了他,但是没停够3秒! 气愤中,这个police当时在聊天要不就是在罚另外一个kiwi,他还把警车停到很远的一个小路里。 然后他又看了我的 full licence 还检查了路税和wof,他根本就是想找岔。可惜我是女生又不会骂人。。。
给我的罚单上写的被罚理由是: failed to comply with a stop sign. 我觉得这根本就不成立,他自己都说看见我停下让了白车。他警号是: MCX990
Police Complaints Authority
PO Box 5025 , Wellington
Police Complaints Authority
PO Box 5025 , Wellington
To whom it may concern
Dear Sir/Madam
I xxxxx(your full name) hereby would like to make a formal complaint regarding an incident I have expericenced disgracefully today with one of the police officer (MXC990) in Auckland.
The incident happened on xxxx(address of the place ur ticket-should have it on your ticket), about xxxx(brief time).
I was driving along xxxx and got pulled over by the officer, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. (Breflly eplain what happened, make sure explain the point, where u not happy, and he was wrong)
(this is most important point u have to make, and to make this complaint work)
This would be one of the worse experiment I have ever experience in my life to deal with a governor autherised person. I was not treat in the right way, officer have show no respect. I would like to have my fine removed (don't forget the infrigement number)and an explaintion would be appriciated.
我这次想去解释一下, 我按时去了Court, 两个Court的办公女性, 和一个AMI的老年男性. 进去之后就是说你怎么交钱.. 一定要交钱.. 现在想象, 是我对法律了解太少了. 最后僵直了一段时间,我想解释这个事情…. 但是Court做最中间那个女性说,,, 你一定要先把这个给签了.然后再去重新审判.要不你不能离开… 现在想象,如果她这么说的话,我是不是能告她啊??? 属于威胁吧. 而且不知道他们对这些案件有没有录音. 后来她可能也感觉有些话说的失态了. 就让那个AMI老年男性去说. 老年男性说话更厉害… “ I don’t care anything, I just come here to ask you sign…… you just need to sign here..” 最后我还是签了. 一个月$40….然后去前台那里问,如果我要起诉的话应该怎么做. 而且把我的情况说了一下… 前台的老年人说: “ 如果本人没有参加, 沉默应该不能结案的. 还告诉我了应该怎么去做.”
当时信心很大,感觉在新西兰 被欺负了.要给自己讨回公道. 也是自己之前不管过程,造成的后果…
1st step: go to the city council to apply, they will tell you what you need to prepare. You will have a class then take the exam. Easy enough, recite all the answers from the book they give you. Forgot how much.
2nd step - Genearl manager's certificate: council again, then apply for the interview, questions will be similar as the previous ones on the book, but just examples and cases.
yes, just call them.
it might take a while to answer your phone.
just tell them your full name and Bdat of birth.
that was what i did 5 year ago to get my IRD # back.
good luck!作者: 虫虫冲冲 时间: 2007-5-16 16:46:46