
标题: ZT:完了,空军们可能又错过了 [打印本页]

作者: 鼠星人    时间: 2019-6-17 21:55:22     标题: ZT:完了,空军们可能又错过了

House prices nationwide are tipped to soar by 20 per cent over the next four years

After a long overdue pause in the most overheated parts of the market, house prices are again tipped to soar by an average of 18.3 per cent in the next four years.

That is how much Treasury is predicting house prices will rise between now and 2023 - a rise of about $125,000 on the average residential house values cited by Quotable Value for March 2019.

In Auckland that figure is even higher, adding about $190,00 to the average house value of $1.03 million.

For prospective first time buyers like Nelson mother of two Anastazja Fastier, 38, it's putting the dream of home ownership further out of reach.


Property values in some parts of regional New Zealand are already booming - the latest Real Estate Institute report revealed a new record median price in Gisborne, which recorded a staggering 54.4 per cent year-on-year rise to $440,000 up from $285,000 last May.  That's a $155,000 increase, or $2645 a day.

Median house prices across New Zealand increased by 3.2 per cent in May to $578,000, up from $560,000 in May 2018 - and are even stronger once Auckland is excluded, increasing by 7.2 per cent  to $487,770 up from $455,000 in May last year,.

CoreLogic said it preferred to use the House Price Index as a comparison, because  it measures the value movement of all properties in an area, not only those that happen to have sold in the month.

By that measure the housing market recorded a "slow and steady" rise of 1.8 per cent year on year, but the regions were still outperforming many of the larger centres. Some of that growth is attributed to an exodus of Aucklanders to cheaper locations.

There are signs, however, that the recent fall in Auckland property values may have been arrested, with property values up 0.5 per cent in May, according to CoreLogic. ​


作者: auckland.clark    时间: 2019-6-17 22:00:41

作者: pategao    时间: 2019-6-17 22:05:15

作者: salesonline    时间: 2019-6-17 22:14:38

作者: 鼠星人    时间: 2019-6-17 22:18:52

pategao 发表于 2019-6-17 21:05

作者: 鼠星人    时间: 2019-6-17 22:20:50

salesonline 发表于 2019-6-17 21:14

作者: salesonline    时间: 2019-6-17 22:22:44

鼠星人 发表于 2019-6-17 21:20
好像没有,不过我看小黑羊的区间,起码现在最低的比我们当时的买价高了。。。哈哈!!! ...

作者: BNC2015    时间: 2019-6-17 22:43:28


https://budget.govt.nz/budget/20 ... scal-data/index.htm

不过本届政府是以不守信著称, 这种官方预测看看就算了.
作者: rzrljb    时间: 2019-6-17 23:26:34

作者: 鼠星人    时间: 2019-6-18 11:15:33

rzrljb 发表于 2019-6-17 22:26

作者: rzrljb    时间: 2019-6-18 11:47:37

鼠星人 发表于 2019-6-18 10:15

作者: 酒盈樽    时间: 2019-6-18 11:47:56

作者: 狂奔的蜗牛!!!    时间: 2019-6-18 12:20:59

本帖最后由 狂奔的蜗牛!!! 于 2019-6-18 18:41 编辑


作者: hunterfreak    时间: 2019-6-18 13:00:41

既然預估那麼準, 那政府就該把Kiwibuild加緊完工, 然後繼續多蓋一些, 因為到時一定會非常搶手, 供不應求, 也有助於打壓到時候的房價
作者: bungyjumping999    时间: 2019-6-18 13:29:09

本帖最后由 bungyjumping999 于 2019-6-18 14:33 编辑

Sydney auction success rate back to 70%

The tide is changing..... So as for Auckland soon.

https://www.1688.com.au/australia/sydney/2019/06/17/598829/ ----------> Sydney's

https://www.1688.com.au/australia/national/2019/06/17/598697/ --------> Melbourne back to 66.4%

作者: 鼠星人    时间: 2019-6-18 13:35:02

hunterfreak 发表于 2019-6-18 12:00
既然預估那麼準, 那政府就該把Kiwibuild加緊完工, 然後繼續多蓋一些, 因為到時一定會非常搶手, 供不應求,  ...

作者: novacaine    时间: 2019-6-18 18:38:26

作者: tauno    时间: 2019-6-18 18:52:04

本帖最后由 tauno 于 2019-6-18 18:18 编辑

既然当空军,就要把“错过”当习惯。看远点,我认识的一位英国移民过来的洋人老爷爷,上世纪70年代在Henderson买了一块Life style,花了2万多 (那时买地零头到百元,老爷爷记得清楚,说给我听,我记不住),现在那块地现在还是Life style,应该在200万上下,其实增值一般般。如果空军希望活着看到地价腰斩到2万,眼下最重要的事情不是费心做预测,而是看看有没有长生不老的药方
作者: ethanwu    时间: 2019-6-18 20:25:31

tauno 发表于 2019-6-18 17:52
既然当空军,就要把“错过”当习惯。看远点,我认识的一位英国移民过来的洋人老爷爷,上世纪70年代在Hender ...

作者: 我真不是孙红雷    时间: 2019-6-18 20:46:54


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