我咨询了community law advice, 里面的律师说,一般来说这是合法的,有时候要看具体情况。作者: 无名逍遥 时间: 2019-6-10 13:24:29
那怕住一间, 房东应该已经收了两个人的水电费了。租两间肯定会贵些。要不就另找地方吧。作者: Kuo 时间: 2019-6-13 10:59:54
Housing Improvement Regulations 1947
19(4)A house shall be deemed for the purposes of this Part to be overcrowded—
(a)if the number of persons who sleep therein or in any dwelling unit therein is such that any 2 of those persons, being persons 10 years old or more of opposite sexes and not being persons living together as husband and wife, must sleep in the same bedroom; or作者: bungyjumping999 时间: 2019-6-13 14:06:22
本帖最后由 bungyjumping999 于 2019-6-13 13:10 编辑
yes, that is right.
If 2 sisters over 10 shares a room ---- okay
If one brother and one sister both over 10 years old sharing a room -------> not allowed
Husband and wife sharing same room ------> okay
De facto man and woman share a room --------> okay
2 men sharing a room (not in relationship) ---------> not allowed
2 women sharing a room (not in relationship) ---------> not allowed
I normally asked those questions when people apply for tenancy. Many people who should be renting 3 bedrooms will come to look for 2 bedrooms for cheaper rent. So, no way.