Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters are giving mixed messages around potentially significant changes to KiwiSaver and New Zealand Superannuation.
Peters, at a Grey Power meeting on Monday morning, said the Government was looking at making it harder for migrants to receive Super by requiring people to have lived in New Zealand for longer to qualify.
Currently New Zealand residents over 65, who have lived here for at least 10 years since age 20 (including five years since age 50) are eligible.
Peters said the Government was doing a “serious piece of work” to extend this timeframe and would make an announcement before the 2020 election.
...... 作者: NewLynnHse 时间: 2019-5-21 11:10:48
自沙。。。作者: 匿名 时间: 2019-5-21 11:13:30
哇塞,丢了一个亿。 作者: 剑客浪心 时间: 2019-5-21 11:51:27
建议加一条要求,LIFE TIME 10万纽币PAYE 或其他形式纳税总额才能拿养老金作者: ybc16 时间: 2019-5-21 12:06:42