Exclusive: Leaked figures support claims that Chinese investors are a big influence on Auckland’s overheated property market.
The first picture has emerged of Chinese buying patterns in Auckland's pressure-cooker housing market — and it suggests a powerful, big-spending influence.
Real-estate figures leaked to the Labour Party, which cover almost 4,000 house sales by one unidentified firm from February to April, indicate that people of Chinese descent accounted for 39.5 per cent of the transactions in the city in that period.
Yet Census 2013 data shows ethnic Chinese who are New Zealand residents or citizens account for just 9 per cent of Auckland's population.
The percentage of Chinese buyers in the sales figures rises with the price of houses, peaking at just over 50 per cent for those that sell for more than $1 million.
A similar trend appears in a frequency comparison of buyers' names — Chinese names make up about eight out of the 20 most common ones among Auckland residents but fill 19 of the top 20 places for house buyers.
It is not known if the Chinese buyers were based here or overseas.
Labour housing spokesman Phil Twyford claimed the data, which represents 45 per cent of all Auckland sales over the three months, showed for the first time the scale of an issue that was pricing first-home buyers out of the market.
"It's staggering evidence that strongly suggests there's a significant offshore Chinese presence in the Auckland real estate market. It could not possibly be all Chinese New Zealanders buying; that's implausible."
............作者: robinchang 时间: 2019-5-20 17:56:28