The Government and the Red Cross have strikingly different accounts on the decision to name New Zealand Isis hostage Louisa Akavi.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern repeatedly told journalists on Monday at her post-cabinet press conference that the Government's view remained that the five-and-a-half year secret of Akavi's capture remain hidden from public view to protect her life.
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) went public with Akavi's name on Monday morning, breaking years of silence on the case of the Ōtaki nurse held captive in Syria.
................. 作者: 鼠星人 时间: 2019-4-16 08:43:09
自沙。。。。。。作者: 蓝色敏骑 时间: 2019-4-16 09:51:07
it has been an hour now and no one gives a sh*t?作者: 巴依老爷 时间: 2019-4-16 10:05:32