This statement entitled "Flooding" appears on all LIMs.
Known flooding information is displayed on the map attached to this LIM entitled “Special Land Features –
Natural Hazards - Flooding”.
The information shown in the “Special Land Features - Natural Hazards - Flooding” map is also shown on the
Auckland Council online map viewer (Geomaps), at, which is updated from
time to time.
Any proposed development may require a flooding assessment to be provided by the applicant.
The absence of flooding on the “Special Land Features - Natural Hazards - Flooding” map does not exclude
the possibility of the site flooding, particularly from Overland Flow Paths which may be on other properties.
Flood Prone Area
This site (property parcel) spatially intersects with a Flood Prone Area, as displayed on the map attached to
this LIM entitled “Special Land Features – Natural Hazards - Flooding”.
Flood Prone Areas represent depressions in the terrain with no natural outlet. The frequency of flooding
within the Flood Prone Area is dependent on the upstream catchment area, the amount of rainfall and the
outlet capacity.
Flood Prone Areas are determined from analysis of a Digital Terrain Model (DTM).
Any development within a Flood Prone Area may require a risk assessment.作者: 糖宝 时间: 2019-4-15 10:17:31