
标题: 邻居是用我拥有的driveway合理吗? [打印本页]

作者: albeeliye    时间: 2019-4-9 19:19:01     标题: 邻居是用我拥有的driveway合理吗?

作者: 老老妖刀    时间: 2019-4-9 19:37:46




作者: fzy5007    时间: 2019-4-9 19:49:48

本帖最后由 fzy5007 于 2019-4-9 19:51 编辑

这种应该就属于 Right of way easement
第一, 如果这个driveway是后面的房子唯一的access 那么你就必须给他们通行的权利,即使driveway的所有权是你的。所以说不管什么车通行,你都不可以阻止
第二,driveway的维修费用是你跟邻居共同承担,理论上谁用的多谁承担费用的比例就高。。。但是这个比例实际上很难界定,一般都是一人一半。第三, 他们对你的房屋造成损坏,那是肯定要赔偿的,跟走不走driveway没啥关系,属于车祸。

Right of way easement
The most common shared driveway is formed by an easement, granting ‘A’ the right of way over ‘B’ (or part of ‘B’). The rights and obligations of each party will be found in the easement certificate or instrument registered on the titles to the respective properties. It’s likely those easement instruments will refer to the Land Transfer Regulations 2002 and Schedule 5 of the Property Law Act 2007, which set out the implied rights and covenants that apply in right of way easements.

Both the Regulations and the Act allow the grantee and the grantor (and their agents, invitees, tenants and so on) the right to pass and re-pass over the easement area on foot, or with vehicles, machinery, plant and stock. The parties must repair any damage that they cause and they must keep it clear of obstructions such as parked vehicles or wheelie bins. If your neighbour parks on the right of way but you can still get past, then they may not be in breach of the implied rights.

The Regulations state that the cost of general repairs and maintenance of the right of way is to be shared equally between the parties who use the right of way. The Act states, however, that each party must make a ‘reasonable contribution’ to the cost. This would generally mean that the owner of the rear property would contribute more than the owner of the front property, as they would use a larger portion of the driveway. Your easement instrument should indicate whether the Regulations or the Act apply.

作者: yangauk    时间: 2019-4-9 19:52:01

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作者: yangauk    时间: 2019-4-9 19:52:01

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作者: yangauk    时间: 2019-4-9 19:52:01

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作者: albeeliye    时间: 2019-4-9 20:35:25

作者: 混乱中...    时间: 2019-4-9 20:49:29

作者: auckland.clark    时间: 2019-4-9 21:01:39

作者: 房奴甲    时间: 2019-4-9 22:05:43

yangauk 发表于 2019-4-9 19:52
换房 最怕这种和邻居有牵连的事和人,人心叵测 遇到素质差的 一辈子心理阴影 宁可住freehold破房也不要这样 ...


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