Thanks for your enquiry. However, the time required by the technician to ascertain the estimated cost to carry out the work could possibly be about the same time required to do the job and therefore it would cost you twice as much as it possibly would have needed to cost as we cannot quote this kind of thing for free.
Our hourly rate for the electrician is $65.00 and the vehicle charge is $19.50 and the certification is $10.00. Any gear required would be over and above and these prices are GST exclusive. Any issues with the existing wiring / switchboard that could be encountered by the electrician could result in extra time and /or gear and / or the assistance of the apprentice being required to complete the job.
不合理的地方也有,学徒是高了点,一般华人收35,洋人收40,但是现在成本也高啊,一个正规的电工一年培训费要有多少?光我们自己,培训有working on heights, confine space,onsite saftey, gas carry等等等等,学徒也是人,学徒也是注册登记的学徒,收到保护的,也需要培训再培训,说明人家是完全正规的,没有任何问题,你去现在所以新房布线的工地看看,多少布线的是有牌照的?就算没有牌照,多少人是有是注册的电工学徒,多少人是有这些安全证书的?