The Official Cash Rate (OCR) remains at 1.75 percent. Given the weaker global economic outlook and reduced momentum in domestic spending, the more likely direction of our next OCR move is down.
Employment is near its maximum sustainable level. However, core consumer price inflation remains below our 2 percent target mid-point, necessitating continued supportive monetary policy.
The global economic outlook has continued to weaken, in particular amongst some of our key trading partners including Australia, Europe, and China. This weaker outlook has prompted central banks to ease their expected monetary policy stances, placing upward pressure on the New Zealand dollar.
Domestic growth slowed in 2018, with softness in the housing market and weak business investment contributing.
We expect ongoing low interest rates, and increased government spending and investment, to support economic growth over 2019. Low interest rates, and continued employment growth, should support household spending and business investment. Government spending on infrastructure, housing, and transfer payments also supports domestic demand.
As capacity pressures build, consumer price inflation is expected to rise to around the mid-point of our target range at 2 percent.
The balance of risks to this outlook has shifted to the downside. The risk of a more pronounced global downturn has increased and low business sentiment continues to weigh on domestic spending. On the upside, inflation could rise faster if firms pass on cost increases to prices to a greater extent.
We will keep the OCR at an expansionary level for a considerable period to contribute to maximising sustainable employment, and maintaining low and stable inflation.
Meitaki, thanks.
Media contact:
Naomi Mitchell
Manager, Communications
DDI: +64 4 471 3836 | MOB: 027 294 3900
中纽风行者 发表于 2019-3-27 23:02
利率还有下行空间,今年的经济比18年还要惨淡,等到降无可降的时候就要大量印钱了,到时候就是下一波的开始 ...
中纽风行者 发表于 2019-3-27 23:02
利率还有下行空间,今年的经济比18年还要惨淡,等到降无可降的时候就要大量印钱了,到时候就是下一波的开始 ...
bungyjumping999 发表于 2019-3-27 16:50
interest is the key to the cycle. i will think this cycle will be prolonged.
1) Brexit will get no ...
Lease 发表于 2019-3-28 10:35
If you look back, you will see actually Fed started to drop interest rate in 2007, but it didn't s ...
bungyjumping999 发表于 2019-3-28 12:01
in 2007, Fed dropped interest rate but make no impact on the market.
I remembered NZ term deposit w ...
tiannz 发表于 2019-3-28 14:09
真不明白为什么有些人会这么high,无论利率再怎么跌将来也总会有涨上来的一天吧,难道你的贷款能在利率低的 ...
tiannz 发表于 2019-3-28 18:08
也不知道你到底想说什么?要教我什么?我要说的就是很简单直接的问题,第一,利率不可能永远不上涨,第二 ...
我要买车 发表于 2019-3-28 18:25
房价 永 不跌
tiannz 发表于 2019-3-28 18:08
也不知道你到底想说什么?要教我什么?我要说的就是很简单直接的问题,第一,利率不可能永远不上涨,第二 ...
tiannz 发表于 2019-3-28 19:35
呵呵,既然你也是过来人,那个时候的房市有多冷清你不会不知道吧?我就奇怪那时候我经常听到有房子因为付 ...
pategao 发表于 2019-3-28 20:52
我也是老移民啊,我一直在关注啊?我怎么感觉在梦中啊,那么好的机会竟然错过了 ...
pategao 发表于 2019-3-28 21:19
当时我在那里住,请看清楚原话:是双校网大豪宅,(此前)二三百万的后来叫价五六十万,你觉得这样的多吗 ...
tiannz 发表于 2019-3-28 20:44
我说的是07年前之前啊,当然包括01-03年了,有一段时间纽币对人民币从一比五点几跌倒一比三点一我还没说 ...
jsmith2 发表于 2019-3-28 22:52
現在有中區新房雙校網 180萬,快回到2011 年時
广交朋友 发表于 2019-3-28 21:53
tiannz 发表于 2019-3-28 20:57
bondbunny 发表于 2019-3-29 08:56
这个说法是错的。我02年买房,但我的房子比01年贵了10W,那时10w是个大钱够心疼一阵的。但03年房市真正进 ...
Tui 发表于 2019-3-28 18:41
经济不景气的时候房价肯定会回落啦。不过经济不好央行升息还真没见过,只想说那些错过了进场时机只好盼着 ...
tiannz 发表于 2019-3-29 00:11
你还是去看看我的原话吧,我说的是现在要两三百万还抢破头的中区双校网豪宅,当时要价只有五六十万而且还 ...
tiannz 发表于 2019-3-29 12:12
你说你02年买的房比01年贵了10万,那我只能说你是被中介给忽悠了,每一年的均价,中位数,和涨幅都是有统 ...
Lease 发表于 2019-3-29 14:18
和04-06年相比, 01-03是相对清淡的,可是清淡并不代表那段时间是熊市。01-03年那几年每年价格都是上涨的 ...
tiannz 发表于 2019-3-29 17:06
你这样最多也就只能说03年的中区的房市火暴吧,也奇怪了,我认识的好几个朋友,台湾、香港人也都在那期间 ...
nancy03923 发表于 2019-3-29 19:31
我03年买的房子当时很多同期来的人都说房价这两年已经长了不少了再等等吧。我朋友02年买的她当时32万的房 ...
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