1. 看到账单,记得是84刀多,怎么变成87刀多,不正常,仔细看,一团小字:
The cost for us to provide Broadband has been increasing and as a result our monthly broadband prices will go up by $3 from your February bill.
原谅我一张WTF脸,Fix Contract 还能你想怎样就怎样?店大欺客是么?Sky上发帖,大部分人也都是说,没办法。我不信邪。
2. 转战Facebook发现有一个KIWI 发帖,翻看回复发现一个利好:
Secondly, for more information on the price increase, but as per the link: If you are in a fixed term contract prior to 1 February and wish to disconnect your services because of the price increase, you are able to end your contract early with no Early Termination Charge.
Facebook官方帐号说,因为Fixed term contract变化而中止合约,不用付Early Termination Charge!
3. 转战Vodafone online chat Nanjas,责问为什么Fixed term contract涨价,hmmm,标准答案复制粘贴。Argue。最后甩上上边从Facebook官方回复,Nanjas说,可以的Assured,再问,需要补偿四个月的免费吗,回答No,并且Assured。再问Prezzy Card,回答No Assured。再问最后一个月怎么算,回答按照用量算,用几天,付几天钱,Assured。 最后的一击就是,保存聊天记录!
4. 既然都Assured了,选择其他运营商,最后选了Orcon。老鼠的省钱攻略。从快递,到安装,到服务开通,Orcon只能邮件或者在线客服,没有电话,但是,都比Vodafone要顺畅!如果要吐槽Vodafone 的客服,我觉得我可以再开好几个帖子。运营商选那个,可以去3w glimp co nz/broadband Compare Broadband。总有一个能够满足你!
Vodafone最近因为fiber x的事情被罚了16m,呵呵所以才有这一出:The cost for us to provide Broadband has been increasing and as a result our monthly broadband prices will go up by $3 from your February bill.作者: 巴依老爷 时间: 2019-3-11 12:13:00