A man who was physically threatened by another man in central Auckland was shaken and disappointed no one came to his aid.
Tae Park told the Herald he was waiting on Park Rd, Grafton around 6.05pm last night when another man stumbled over to him, threatened him, and hurled racial abuse.
"I didn't want a bar of it, I just wanted to go home and see my wife," Park said.
"He was swearing and saying random things behind my back and I was like, 'Woah, this is getting a bit uncomfortable', then I got my phone out.
"If you see on the video, he actually took a swing at me but he didn't hit me, I kind of avoided him and tried to keep my distance."
The other man, dressed in a shirt, shorts and without shoes, was captured on Park's camera stumbling around after him, swearing and throwing punches.
He asked Park not to film him but continued to follow him around the bus stop area, even threatening to throw him in front of a bus.
"I asked not to be filmed ... you're filming me, I'll throw you in front of the bus bro," the man told Park.
"Stop it bro, stop being stupid, stop being stupid ... That's it, I'm going to f***ing run you!"
It was at this point when Park pleaded with other members of the public nearby to call the police and help him deal with the man who was confronting him.
However, no one came to his aid and the man kept following him, even pushing a cyclist off his bike as he tried to ride past.
Park said he was "obviously in distress" and was stunned no one around him came over to help him out after he pleaded for assistance.