Kiwi drivers can rejoice as Waitomo Petroleum service stations are dropping fuel prices to $2 a litre for unleaded 91 petrol for a week.
Since July motorists have suffered high petrol prices but from today until midday Friday 23 November, Kiwis can drop in at Waitomo fuel stops and fill up with cut-price gas.
The petrol company will be selling fuel across the country for the following prices: Unleaded 91 at $1.999 a litre, Premium 95 at $2.129 a litre and Diesel at $1.399 a litre.
However, in Auckland there is an additional price due to the regional fuel tax leaving fuel prices $2.099 per litre for unleaded 91, $2.229 per litre for premium 95 and $1.499 per litre for diesel.
This is still cheaper than Gull prices spotted across West Auckland yesterday, where the petrol stations were selling 91 for $2.11 per litre.