在看给父母办老年卡,他们都过65岁了,结果一看官网,说需要三种身份证明文件。除了护照之外,还需要marriage certificate, bank statement, phone or power account, driver licence中的两个?这不是扯蛋吗?上哪儿去找这么多证明文件,结婚证不用说了是中国的,我还得千里迢迢的从国内带过来再公证?电话单或者电费单,老人都是和我们一起住了这么多年,哪儿来他们名字的电话单或者电费单。老人都65岁+了,谁还开车?哪儿来的tmd驾照。唯一有的就是个银行帐号,还是只有我爸的名字。这不就是明摆着给移民设置门槛吗?太恶心了。
Proof of identityApplications for a SuperGold Card must be accompanied byCertified copies of the following:·
For New Zealand born clients - one government-issueddocument stating full legal name and date of birth (egbirth certificate, passport, driver licence, firearms licence,deed poll, etc)·
For clients born overseas - proof of lawful residence inNew Zealand (e.g. New Zealand passport, other countrypassport with residence visa, citizenship certificate, etc)· All clients - two more documents supporting identity.(eg marriage certificate, bank statement, phone or poweraccount, driver licence, etc.)Note: One of the documents requested above must be atleast 2 years old.·
All clients - proof of any name change (eg marriagecertificate, deed poll) 作者: ilmaro 时间: 2018-8-25 00:41:39