两地产经纪人大捞龙虾欲办趴体!被逮了!作者: Park 日期:2018-07-31 16:43 阅读: 来源:天维网编译
【天维网据stuff消息 Park编译】去年12月,坎特伯雷两名男子到一处海洋保护区潜水捕龙虾,准备带回办公室在年终派对上用。
英文原文:Canterbury real estate agents took crayfish from marine reserve for office party
bungyjumping999 发表于 2018-7-31 20:40
Next year annual dinner will go Vegetarian.
Few will go underbelly before the next annual dinner
NewLynnHse 发表于 2018-8-1 08:22
next year's annual dinner should be outdoor BBQ, if China 崩盘 and stops importing NZ beef and mut ...
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