anzac_corp 发表于 2018-7-5 15:33
For NZ, the number 1 security interest is the security of economic interest.
Need I say more?
I agree 100%. The Poms and yanks don’t give a damn about us. We are our own country now. We’re not an English colony or US territory. We should show alliance to who ever looks after us the best. If today it’s China, then let it be China. If tomorrow it’s Saudi Arabia, then let it be them. We need to put ourselves first. You know, NZ first. And that doesn’t mean Winnie and his gang of two-timers. It means let’s take a page from Trump. New Zealand FIRST.
If you were to put NZ first then I cannot see how you would side with China. It is a ruthless dictatorship with Presitator for life, Poo Bear clone Xi DaDa in charge. By all accounts plundering the "peoples" wealth for his family and associates.
You are clearly one of many prisoners of liberal media.
And you were brainwashed since birth by a one party state who's only focus was retaining power. You should read more books (you know, the ones that are banned in your country for telling the truth) and find the true history of your country. You can start with this one. Bloody Myth: An Account of the Cultural Revolution Massacre of 1967 in Daoxian, Hunan (血的神话: 公元1967年湖南道县文革大屠杀纪实)
or this very controversial book Green Eggs and Ham (1960) or Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
I lived almost equally amount of time in both 'Dictatorial China' and 'Liberal NZ'. I read, listen and watch from both worlds. And I must say that Chinese media (both central and local) presents a far more balanced view toward the West than the Western liberal media presents China or any country that is different from the West.
The key difference between China and the West in terms of governance is NOT Authoritarian v.s. Democracy. The key difference is Meritocracy v.s. Plutocracy.
Libral media preaches the former everyday and makes you believe that seems the case.
Meritocracy? Surely you do not believe that the children of the former leaders just happened to be the most meritorious and most capable to rule?
China has never been a meritocracy.
Here is a little reading for you
or this
And (repeated yet again) the Skynet actualisation within China: linked to the Social Credit System which has as its objective to
allow the trustworthy to roam everywhere under heaven while making it hard for the discredited to take a single step.
The final quote is worth pondering:
According to Maya Wang, a senior researcher for Human Rights Watch’s Asia division, China’s domestic surveillance is far more advanced than most Chinese citizens realize. “People in China don’t know 99.99 percent of what’s going on in terms of state surveillance,” she says. “Most people think they can say what they want and live freely without being monitored, but that’s largely an illusion.”
I hadn't seen that. Thanks waymad.
The massive surveillance is one thing I noticed immediately in China. In the last few years it has massively increased. There are cameras photographing your licence plate on nearly every set of traffic lights. Apartments are moving to biometric entry, wechat monitored and censored . All this is linked to the 610 office.
M the P - I suggest you read Noam Chomsky's Hegemony or Survival, folowed by Jason Hickel's 'Divide'.
The US and China are both to be feared, but the wars and collateral deaths and dislocations caused by the US far outweigh those of any other nation, this last 70 years. You have to differentiate between ordinary folk from the US, vs US foreign policy - if the ordinary folk knew what was done on their behalf (Allende during the Nixon tenure being a classic example) they'd be mortified. But they wouldn't live as well as they do if it wasn't being done, and neither would you.
Yep, the US foreign policy has been woeful for decades. However if the people don't like it, at least they can grab a banner and protest in the streets and not be run over by a tank. (they'll probably just get tazzed or shot).
So if you have to make a choice, would you go with China?
Better the devil you know than the devil you don't. CCP and trust should not be used in the same sentence.
True Dat.
By 'liberal media' do you mean uncensored media?
although to be fair there is a lot of corporate censorship in the corporate media - in some ways capitalists and communists are opposite sides of the same monopolist coin. monotonous monosyllabic mono-cultural mono-tonal mono-cellular monogamy - how boring
This is true but at least there are still platforms available for both viewpoints (alt media). In China you'd probably 'disappear' if you started publishing articles that went against the party line. Or if not, the new Orwellian credit-score would shaft you and your family over forever.
Does the Chinese media regularly extol Mao for having been responsible for the deaths of 120,000,000 people, in the absence of war?
Justify"The Great Leap Forward"
Mention the diabolically cunning "Hundred Flowers"?
etc etc
Normally when I talk to people about this, they don't believe what you are saying. Holocaust denial on a grand scale.
The key difference between China and the West in terms of governance is NOT Authoritarian v.s. Democracy. The key difference is Meritocracy v.s. Plutocracy.
While I agree with you that NZ is more meritocratic and less plutocratic than red china, the fact remains that we have a much, much stronger rule of law and are able to elect public officials. Red china will never escape the middle income trap without rule of law or free markets.
Everything must be Golden.
@Ming - For the Elites of China there are only two security options now, deal with a revolution at home or engage in military expansion.
Need I say more?
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