
标题: ZT:哇,Northcote 会不会公屋泛滥啊? [打印本页]

作者: NewLynnHse    时间: 2018-5-30 09:59:46     标题: ZT:哇,Northcote 会不会公屋泛滥啊?

除了KiwiBuild 和 affordable free-market homes,公屋好像也不少。

$750m Northcote state-house intensification: 300 going, 1200 new homes rising


Three hundred state houses in the North Shore's Northcote are being replaced by 1200 new residences in a $750 million intensification on Housing NZ Corporation land.


The Northcote project is the biggest in New Zealand for a state house transformation: 300 old state residences from last century are being replaced by 400 new residences.

Duplex and stand-alone 1940s and 1950s state houses are being demolished or removed, replaced by 400 new state homes, 400 KiwiBuild homes and 400 affordable free-market homes, Aiken said.

Around 3000 people will live in the rebuilt community. State house tenants are being moved temporarily while new houses are built.


作者: Domani    时间: 2018-5-30 10:06:02

那又怎样?Phil Twyford说你如果不想附近有公屋就应该滚出奥克兰

http://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press ... ication-in-Auckland
作者: NewLynnHse    时间: 2018-5-30 10:08:01

Domani 发表于 2018-5-30 09:06
那又怎样?Phil Twyford说你如果不想附近有公屋就应该滚出奥克兰

http://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/natio ...

作者: 中纽风行者    时间: 2018-5-30 10:08:13

Domani 发表于 2018-5-30 09:06
那又怎样?Phil Twyford说你如果不想附近有公屋就应该滚出奥克兰

http://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/natio ...

作者: 呼啸寒风    时间: 2018-5-30 10:19:39

作者: Domani    时间: 2018-5-30 10:42:03

中纽风行者 发表于 2018-5-30 09:08

他家住Beach Road, Te Atatu Peninsula,那附近也没什么地可以建公屋了。
作者: DDD888    时间: 2018-5-30 10:42:08

呼啸寒风 发表于 2018-5-30 09:19
毒窝,贼窝,帮派,贫民窟,天天警笛不断,晚晚直升机盘旋,周边几个区都会被染黑,万劫不复 ...

作者: Chatbox    时间: 2018-5-30 10:47:41


作者: bungyjumping999    时间: 2018-5-30 10:52:38

NewLynnHse 发表于 2018-5-30 09:08
哈哈,可怜的工粉们,把工党捧上台以后,工党就叫他们滚蛋。。。继续颤抖吧 ...

if north shore is an independent nation, they will be deported across the bridge. Use Uber to send them off.
作者: rzrljb    时间: 2018-5-30 10:54:59

作者: 房奴甲    时间: 2018-5-30 10:58:33

作者: bungyjumping999    时间: 2018-5-30 11:02:51

本帖最后由 bungyjumping999 于 2018-5-30 10:04 编辑

something more serious,

i think is good a mixture of first home buyers and state housing. These state housing people will not be tenants for life. If they don't behave, it will be booted out.
Northcote lacking behind were because of this piece of state housing, now that they will be gone and reshuffled, the new community will emerge.

作者: 我真不是孙红雷    时间: 2018-5-30 11:04:11

northcote要是没公屋 房价得上天               
作者: 先森表酱紫嘛    时间: 2018-5-30 11:04:50

NewLynnHse 发表于 2018-5-30 09:08
哈哈,可怜的工粉们,把工党捧上台以后,工党就叫他们滚蛋。。。继续颤抖吧 ...


EPSOM 明显是国,行粉大本营,滚蛋的是这些人吧,哈哈哈哈

作者: Chatbox    时间: 2018-5-30 11:06:58


作者: NewLynnHse    时间: 2018-5-30 11:12:28

提示: 该帖被管理员或版主屏蔽
作者: Chatbox    时间: 2018-5-30 11:15:32

NewLynnHse 发表于 2018-5-30 10:12

作者: V7    时间: 2018-5-30 11:16:45

作者: 我真不是孙红雷    时间: 2018-5-30 11:17:09

Chatbox 发表于 2018-5-30 10:15

作者: 先森表酱紫嘛    时间: 2018-5-30 11:17:33

NewLynnHse 发表于 2018-5-30 10:12

作者: auckland.clark    时间: 2018-5-30 11:19:08

Domani 发表于 2018-5-30 09:06
那又怎样?Phil Twyford说你如果不想附近有公屋就应该滚出奥克兰

http://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/natio ...

作者: auckland.clark    时间: 2018-5-30 11:21:12

NewLynnHse 发表于 2018-5-30 09:08
哈哈,可怜的工粉们,把工党捧上台以后,工党就叫他们滚蛋。。。继续颤抖吧 ...

作者: Chatbox    时间: 2018-5-30 11:24:18

先森表酱紫嘛 发表于 2018-5-30 10:17

作者: 我真不是孙红雷    时间: 2018-5-30 11:25:55

auckland.clark 发表于 2018-5-30 10:19

是呀,这才叫机会,准备抄底epsom 然后那帮loser抵御不了高物价最终还是要滚蛋的,周围应该没适合他们出行的地方,还得回归南区。这才叫财富重新洗牌,机会都是给有准备的人的。哈哈。我在意淫什么时候parnell, remurea多来点公屋
作者: 中纽风行者    时间: 2018-5-30 11:28:46

NewLynnHse 发表于 2018-5-30 10:12

作者: 我真不是孙红雷    时间: 2018-5-30 11:30:49

提示: 该帖被管理员或版主屏蔽
作者: PirateShip68    时间: 2018-5-30 11:32:32

提示: 该帖被管理员或版主屏蔽
作者: 中纽风行者    时间: 2018-5-30 11:35:27

提示: 该帖被管理员或版主屏蔽
作者: pear    时间: 2018-5-30 11:42:14

作者: DDD888    时间: 2018-5-30 12:09:04

中纽风行者 发表于 2018-5-30 10:35

作者: subrina02    时间: 2018-5-30 12:12:36

Chatbox 发表于 2018-5-30 09:47

只有华人还在充大头 ...

同意 single house zone 才是未来热点。那些urbon mixed zone.未来也可演变为准贫民窟
作者: auckland.clark    时间: 2018-5-30 12:27:21

subrina02 发表于 2018-5-30 11:12
同意 single house zone 才是未来热点。那些urbon mixed zone.未来也可演变为准贫民窟 ...

环境比较好,居民收入高的 single house zone, 的确是未来自住的热点。
作者: trdeyoualbert    时间: 2018-5-30 12:33:04

northcote good good
作者: jsmith2    时间: 2018-5-30 13:26:27

Domani 发表于 2018-5-30 09:06
那又怎样?Phil Twyford说你如果不想附近有公屋就应该滚出奥克兰

http://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/natio ...


作者: jsmith2    时间: 2018-5-30 13:30:00

我真不是孙红雷 发表于 2018-5-30 10:25
是呀,这才叫机会,准备抄底epsom 然后那帮loser抵御不了高物价最终还是要滚蛋的,周围应该没适合他们 ...

parnell很多公屋的,我在parnell 工作,每天經過看到公房戶出出入入,覺得沒什麼問題
作者: Domani    时间: 2018-5-30 13:31:31

jsmith2 发表于 2018-5-30 12:26


作者: jsmith2    时间: 2018-5-30 13:33:51

先森表酱紫嘛 发表于 2018-5-30 10:04
EPSOM 明显是国,行粉大本营,滚蛋的是这些人吧,哈哈哈哈

其實 EPSOM 那裡可以建公房呢? 在Reseve空地插針式建個八層公房公寓嗎?
作者: jsmith2    时间: 2018-5-30 13:36:35

Domani 发表于 2018-5-30 12:31

作者: 我真不是孙红雷    时间: 2018-5-30 14:21:44

jsmith2 发表于 2018-5-30 12:30
parnell很多公屋的,我在parnell 工作,每天經過看到公房戶出出入入,覺得沒什麼問題 ...

OMG, 原来是这样啊? 一看你就是富贵人,我都没出去过北岸
作者: jsmith2    时间: 2018-5-30 14:39:00

我真不是孙红雷 发表于 2018-5-30 13:21
OMG, 原来是这样啊? 一看你就是富贵人,我都没出去过北岸

富什麼貴,又不是住在 parnell, 在 parnell 工作,只算得上沾點富人的貴氣。

你們北岸就不一樣了,別樹一格,現在還有人喊北岸獨立,比  parnell 利害多了。
作者: ybbest    时间: 2018-5-30 15:19:17

作者: bungyjumping999    时间: 2018-5-30 18:34:43

ybbest 发表于 2018-5-30 14:19

yes, where the state housing is, where the government money is.

Glen Innes is a typical example..... State housing was built in a centre and strategic place in Auckland.

Northcote, one of the best position in north shore, if the land is reshuffled with mixed housing and state houses, this is a potential suburd to watch.
作者: ronaldlu    时间: 2018-5-30 21:10:29

我真不是孙红雷 发表于 2018-5-30 10:17



作者: kobemvp    时间: 2018-5-30 22:02:46

作者: pategao    时间: 2018-5-30 22:39:34

Domani 发表于 2018-5-30 09:42
他家住Beach Road, Te Atatu Peninsula,那附近也没什么地可以建公屋了。

作者: 我真不是孙红雷    时间: 2018-5-31 00:30:16

ronaldlu 发表于 2018-5-30 20:10


作者: mwe24    时间: 2018-5-31 00:53:13

我真不是孙红雷 发表于 2018-5-30 10:25
是呀,这才叫机会,准备抄底epsom 然后那帮loser抵御不了高物价最终还是要滚蛋的,周围应该没适合他们 ...

赶紧去抄啊,最近epsom 房价都在cv 下成交了。。。
作者: 我真不是孙红雷    时间: 2018-5-31 01:22:39

mwe24 发表于 2018-5-30 23:53
赶紧去抄啊,最近epsom 房价都在cv 下成交了。。。

我发现我还是买不起,等你们说的腰斩吧 别骗我啊

作者: 我真不是孙红雷    时间: 2018-5-31 01:29:53

mwe24 发表于 2018-5-30 23:53
赶紧去抄啊,最近epsom 房价都在cv 下成交了。。。

今天成交一个53 empire road, 2.89m, 虽然比现在cv低,但比14年cv高出1.5倍。你们办事不利,什么时候能1.5m拿下来叫我
作者: ybbest    时间: 2018-5-31 07:30:32

bungyjumping999 发表于 2018-5-30 17:34
yes, where the state housing is, where the government money is.

Glen Innes is a typical example.. ...

http://bbs.skykiwi.com/forum.php ... 2&fromuid=42141

作者: mwe23    时间: 2018-5-31 08:22:59

我真不是孙红雷 发表于 2018-5-31 00:29
今天成交一个53 empire road, 2.89m, 虽然比现在cv低,但比14年cv高出1.5倍。你们办事不利,什么时候能 ...

这个房子拿 117 the drive 比,那个更加不错? 比比成交价了。epsom 之前2016前后踩着高位进去的,要一段时间才能解套了。刚好有朋友进去买房,关注的比较多
作者: lianlian88    时间: 2018-5-31 20:24:42

bungyjumping999 发表于 2018-5-30 10:02
something more serious,

i think is good a mixture of first home buyers and state housing. These sta ...

It is just new HNZ tenants replacing the old ones, no big difference actually. But Northcote is experiencing quite a lot of changes these days. Their town centre is going to be renovated soon, being replaced with some modern shopping malls.

It is yet to say how things could turn out for that area, but as long as HNZ settles their tenants there, I would say no big changes. Ask the businesses in the Town Centres: who are the most annoying ones? Those kids from the next-door high school, who are mostly the kids of the HNZ tenants.
作者: ronaldlu    时间: 2018-5-31 20:54:55

我真不是孙红雷 发表于 2018-5-30 23:30

作者: bungyjumping999    时间: 2018-5-31 21:31:23

本帖最后由 bungyjumping999 于 2018-5-31 20:33 编辑
lianlian88 发表于 2018-5-31 19:24
It is just new HNZ tenants replacing the old ones, no big difference actually. But Northcote is ex ...

yes, i go to Northcote regularly to buy "Pau" at the Chinese shop and hair cut at korean shop

I still own property there and see potentials.
作者: 留下足迹    时间: 2018-5-31 21:37:00

本帖最后由 留下足迹 于 2018-5-31 20:40 编辑




作者: lianlian88    时间: 2018-5-31 23:30:36

bungyjumping999 发表于 2018-5-31 20:31
yes, i go to Northcote regularly to buy "Pau" at the Chinese shop and hair cut at korean shop

I st ...

That haircut near the family pharmacy? She is a very lovely Korean lady
作者: bungyjumping999    时间: 2018-6-1 09:34:52

本帖最后由 bungyjumping999 于 2018-6-1 08:39 编辑
lianlian88 发表于 2018-5-31 22:30
That haircut near the family pharmacy? She is a very lovely Korean lady

The korean shop is Husband and wife team near the "Pau Shop" My son cut hair there too.

Actually, i notice the state housing kids are getting less and less these days.... The present HNZ tenants have been there for a long time, now they are moving to give way to development. Many have been placed elsewhere and some will not necessarily return, it will be replaced with a new set of tenants.

The new HNZ policy is that there won't be tenancy for life, depending on whether they behave or not, if not they will be out. I think a mixture of first home buyers will keep the place in check, that is an improvement and a positive social integration process.

Ponsonby was a blue collar area and the workman cottages reflect that, but as time passes by the mixtures of people make the place vibrant and colourful.

Similarly, I see the same in Northcote.

作者: 房奴甲    时间: 2018-6-1 09:48:41

lianlian88 发表于 2018-5-31 22:30
That haircut near the family pharmacy? She is a very lovely Korean lady

作者: 房奴甲    时间: 2018-6-1 09:52:38

bungyjumping999 发表于 2018-6-1 08:34
The korean shop is Husband and wife team near the "Pau Shop" My son cut hair there too.

Actually,  ...

基本同意。时间问题。以后就是ponsonby. 现在治安比过去好多了,十年前我来这边住的时候那叫一个乱啊!到处晃动着膀大腰圆的半大小子,都扣着hoodie,还成群结队。现在这景象有几年没见了。
作者: lianlian88    时间: 2018-6-1 10:05:28

房奴甲 发表于 2018-6-1 08:52
基本同意。时间问题。以后就是ponsonby. 现在治安比过去好多了,十年前我来这边住的时候那叫一个乱啊!到 ...

那边还是相对北岸别的地方差了点,我听某饭店服务员在说,前一阵子food city被盗,还有行人在烧腊店门口被抢,那个面包店半年内被抢两次。不过和奥克兰别的地方比还是不错的,尤其看好中心改造后的潜力
作者: 房奴甲    时间: 2018-6-1 10:10:21

lianlian88 发表于 2018-6-1 09:05
那边还是相对北岸别的地方差了点,我听某饭店服务员在说,前一阵子food city被盗,还有行人在烧腊店门口 ...

作者: 房奴甲    时间: 2018-6-1 10:11:44

lianlian88 发表于 2018-6-1 09:05
那边还是相对北岸别的地方差了点,我听某饭店服务员在说,前一阵子food city被盗,还有行人在烧腊店门口 ...


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