LIM 中有如下信息:
“Building consent issued 15/01/2016;
Council refused to issue a Code Compliance Certificate, s93 Building Act 2004 11/01/2018;
Code Compliance application not accepted 08/02/2018;
Multi Unit Dwelling Alterations to 4 Units - Remove walls, joinery & exterior stair. Install new walls, beams, kitchens, bathrooms, linings. Addition of laundry+ robe area, windows and deck.
但06/03/2018 有一个site notice 说通过 “Multi Unit Dwelling Alterations to 4 Units” 相关的多项council检查。
刚查了官方的报告, ... -fencing-losses.pdf, 里面有“3.7 The proposed loss ring-fencing rules will not apply to a person’s main home. This is to ensure that a person who has a boarder in their main home, or who rents out a spare room occasionally, would not have to apply these rules, which are primarily targeted at residential investment properties. The meaning of “main home” would be the same as for the bright-line test, which has a main home exclusion. ” 才明白这个自住房适用负扣税针对的不是房贷利息支出,而是寄宿收入与支出等。 作者: 陌生的香港人 时间: 2018-4-2 22:03:48
樓主看看這個LIM Building Consent 有沒有顯示有 s37 under Building Act 的標記? Building Consent 如果有section 37 under Building Act 的標籤你是拿不到CCC 的 必須先搞定了planning 方面的事 (申請了resource consent OR 將方案改回符合該區城市規劃法規District Plan 的設計標準)拿掉了這個標記才可以批下來
2015年的时候有一个resource consent, "Alterations and Additions to an existing block of four residential units", 批了。2016年1月批了buidling consent for alterations, 估计两年内没请验收,council在18年1月按s93的规定拒绝发CCC。owner在2月申请CCC被据,然后3月份council发了site notice说通过多项检查。 作者: 陌生的香港人 时间: 2018-4-2 23:10:05