I went through the council docs and below is my understanding:
It depends what are u going to claim the usage of the new place after enclosed --> Bed rm? or Study / Storage.
If it's bed rm then,
1. Is that place livable are previously? (Like a living area / lounge) If yes and comply the living condition like windows...etc. then you DO NOT need consent.
2. If that place not a livable area before changed like rampus / garage / storage, then you will need BC, probably RC? not sure, and heights constraint / Windows constraint / ...etc and pass inspection to legalize it.
If it's storage / study then: should be fine, as long as the property is consented.
That's what I understand from the council, JFYI.作者: Pharaoh.I@outlook.com 时间: 2018-3-22 13:52:12