The policies aims might be admirable, but we think that solving Auckland's housing crisis will prove to be a lot more complicated than Labour has thought.
Other OIA documents released by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) suggest that only 25,000 households renting from private landlords in Auckland would have sufficient income to purchase a KiwiBuild home.
"In other words, the government could potentially get only a 50 per cent take-up of its 'affordable' Auckland properties at $500,000 to $600,000 each."
He said, assuming buyers could get a 10 per cent deposit, a single person would need an income of $71,200 to get into a $500,000 house, while a childless couple would need a combined income of $88,400 to get into a $600,000 property.
"In other words, the government risks bringing a large number of properties to the market for which there are few buyers who are realistically able to obtain or service the mortgage."作者: 剑客浪心 时间: 2018-3-9 19:04:28