building report里指出一些问题 不太懂这些事不是大问题要不要紧 那些要紧的关键的问题可以拿出来跟卖家谈价钱…大家帮忙看下 谢谢啦。
We noted that the odd/squeaky floorboard here and there when walking around. Some repair may be needed in time.
some cracking is evident to the outside brick and plaster window sills. As these are due for repairing, filling and repairs can be made as necessary.
Timbers appear to generally sound, but as usual the joint and corners may open up and deteriorate over time. Ongoing maintenance will be required. A few small holes and areas where rusty brackets have been removed, should be part of paint preparations.
The older tv aerial to the east is now obsolete, so should also be removed.
There is a ducted extract fan as well as larger heat/fan unit which did not go when we tested it today.
The pipe work that we could see is galvanized steel and copper, as was usual in the era. The steel pipes will be rusting and breaking down on the side, and will not last forever. Some minor weeping is evident at the fitting etc. under the floor. A plumber should be engaged to check and replace any failing pipe work as necessary.
Garage. The spoutings to both sides are saggy and leaking at the joints, more brackets or straps could be added to support it better.