A prominent UK columnist has accused Jacinda Ardern of betraying voters following her pregnancy news.
Liz Jones, for the Mail on Sunday, slated Ardern's comments about "wearing two hats" as Prime Minister and now a mother.
"Oh please! Giving birth months after winning an election isn't multi-tasking," she wrote.
"It's more a betrayal of voters. It's worse than Damian Green and those porngate claims! At least he could snap his laptop shut if World War III broke out. What will a new mum PM do? Hurry back from [the supermarket], wailing: 'I'm sorry I missed Armageddon, but we'd run out of organic Ella's Kitchen'?"
She also took a shot at Ardern's comment about how in June her "team will expand from two to three".
"Yuk! Even I've now got morning sickness. They're not a team. What's baby going to be? Minister for Midday Naps?" Jones wrote.
"I know the old argument: surely being a mum makes you more rounded, empathetic. Isn't it all about work/life balance these days?
"Fine, if you want to work behind the counter at Boots. But if you want to get to the top of your game? If you want to be a world leader? Surely your country shouldn't have to compete for your attention with a colicky toddler."