
标题: 新西兰新移民政策解读/提问解答 [打印本页]

作者: sharinglee    时间: 2017-11-23 14:18:10     标题: 新西兰新移民政策解读/提问解答

本帖最后由 sharinglee 于 2017-11-23 14:29 编辑






厨师 vs 主厨


记账员 vs 会计师


呼叫中心团队领导 vs 客户服务经理




INZ Statistics show nearly 50% drop in the number of the skilled migrants applying for residency in the last six months. Undoubtedly, the selection threshold of 160 points was the catalyst for the dramatic reduction. The former Minister of Immigration believed the new selection threshold might drop the numbers by 5%. No doubt the former Minister of Immigration couldn’t see this coming when he tightened the rule even further with the income threshold of $23.50.

By the end of the financial year, it is projected that there will be a shortfall of around 20,000 less than the annual residence forecast of 45,000.

Looking at the bright side, however, it is worthwhile noting some positive changes for the skilled migrants to qualify for residency. This article examines the first of those.

Historically, there had been a running battle between INZ and the migrants as to the fine line distinctions between those jobs at skill level 2 and the less skilled jobs at skill level 3. INZ found a number of migrants not qualified as their jobs turned out to be a less skilled job which belonged to Part C of the “Skilled Occupation List (OCL).” Eventually, many of those unhappy migrants ended up appealing the decisions to Immigration Protection Tribunal, causing time and money.

The new rule scrapped the OCL and the associated visa instructions. Now, all Part C occupations at skill level 3 or above are treated equally as those at skill level 1 and 2.  The following examples demonstrate the significance of the change.

Cooks vs Chefs

Many migrants ditched their career path when migrated to New Zealand and became chefs only to see INZ not acknowledging their jobs as they didn’t involve planning menu or calculating food costs. Under the new rule, such a distinction is no longer necessary.

Bookkeepers vs Accountants

INZ often erred on the side of literally and soullessly applying the ANZSCO description and concluded that the accountants were more like bookkeepers because the jobs lacked the advisory functions and were mainly responsible for maintaining and evaluating the financial transactions. Again, this distinction has become no longer relevant under the new skilled migrant policy.

Call centre team leaders vs Customer service managers

INZ also seems to have struggled with its perception of customer service managers when evaluating the evidence of planning and reviewing the customer service strategies and policies. Again, the distinction has become a moot point.

In my next article, I will attempt to demonstrate how the new skilled migrant policies were designed to attract more skilled and experienced migrants rather than the recent graduates with limited skillset and experience.


作者: 小莹子    时间: 2017-11-23 14:21:40

作者: damon021    时间: 2017-11-23 14:36:16

吸引高技术有经验的人才固然是长远利益 但如果nz的市场和薪金水平还不如原来工作的地方呢,一个小疑问。还有就是有本地生活 学习 工作的 喜欢nz lifestyle的留学生 是不是更应该被着重考虑呢 愿意留在nz并且有能力留在nz的肯定是喜欢nz的 移民政策会对这部分里利好吗
作者: sharinglee    时间: 2017-11-23 15:46:42


作者: xixiwest    时间: 2017-11-23 15:55:39


Can you please explain more about the changes between bookkeepers and accountants.
I think whether provide advisory services depends on the company size and client type. Some small business hardly require advisory services for years. but it doesn't mean i can't fulfill that job.

作者: xixiwest    时间: 2017-11-23 16:01:52

when will this new policy take into effect?
作者: icewaterljy    时间: 2017-11-23 16:03:21

作者: sharinglee    时间: 2017-11-23 16:09:28

damon021 发表于 2017-11-23 14:36
吸引高技术有经验的人才固然是长远利益 但如果nz的市场和薪金水平还不如原来工作的地方呢,一个小疑问。还 ...

作者: sharinglee    时间: 2017-11-23 16:22:59

xixiwest 发表于 2017-11-23 15:55

Can you please explain more about the changes between bookkeepers and accountants.

Hi, the policy has already taken effect. As mentioned in the article, there is no need to concern for the difference between bookkeeper and accountant right now. Let me know if you have more questions.
作者: sharinglee    时间: 2017-11-23 16:26:01

icewaterljy 发表于 2017-11-23 16:03

哈哈。这个取决于1. 移民官的审批速度,还有case转来转去的情况 2. 材料是否够全够完善 3. 你的个人背景。因素太多,有时候速度快慢还得看运气。
作者: xixiwest    时间: 2017-11-23 16:33:36

sharinglee 发表于 2017-11-23 16:22
Hi, the policy has already taken effect. As mentioned in the article, there is no need to concern  ...

Thanks for answering my questions.

I have asked some immigration agents about taxation accountant requirements by INZ. They told me that as an accountant you must fulfill some advisory job not just doing financial reports and tax return. Like formulating budgetary, recommending business strategies, advising on business structures and operations etc. so i am confused which one is right requirements from INZ.

Do you have the INZ link regarding those new policy you mentioned in your article?

作者: Neruda    时间: 2017-11-23 17:00:13

这只是技术移民方面的, 请问配偶移民方面会不会有政策变动呢?
作者: peter927    时间: 2017-11-23 22:42:37

就是说现在就算title是cook 也可以按照chef去递交移民申请?co不会argue你是cook还是chef,而导致最后拒签是吗?
作者: icewaterljy    时间: 2017-11-24 08:30:40

sharinglee 发表于 2017-11-23 16:26
哈哈。这个取决于1. 移民官的审批速度,还有case转来转去的情况 2. 材料是否够全够完善 3. 你的个人背景 ...

作者: bamsurfer    时间: 2017-11-28 18:49:32

本帖最后由 bamsurfer 于 2017-11-28 18:51 编辑

作者: lhrhao    时间: 2017-11-28 19:58:21


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