do a thorough check for other vehicles – in front, behind and to the sides
remember to check over your shoulder for your blind spots (the areas of road to the sides of your car that you can't see in your mirrors)
watch for pedestrians
signal for at least three seconds
turn when safe.
If you are turning left, use your left indicator. If you are turning right, use your right indicator.
Be prepared to stop, even if the other driver should give way to you.
我当初路考时就把交规烂熟于胸,考官一听你说,就不敢轻易说fail了。他们fail人要有依据的,你反驳不了 的话,就只能任他宰割了。
加油,下回一定过的。作者: 匿名 时间: 2017-11-22 21:24:52
知秋一叶 发表于 2017-11-22 21:09
How to turn