
标题: ZT: 不用怀疑,IV其实就是浮云 [打印本页]

作者: NewLynnHse    时间: 2017-11-21 10:19:10     标题: ZT: 不用怀疑,IV其实就是浮云



他们分别估算 地价 和总价,然后倒推房子的价值

比如,类似大小的房子+地,在这块区域值多少? = CV - 我觉得基本是忽略内部装修,内部维护,可能会考虑建造年代和外强因素之类的。
类似的地,如果什么都没有,在这块区域值多少? = LV - 这个比较容易估算
IV = CV - LV

所以 IV没有任何意义。不能作为造房子的参考,不能做保险参考。


Houses 'valued' at less than they cost to build


Auckland Council head of rates, valuations and data management Debbie Acott said, as land values generally rose more quickly than capital values, it was common to see improvement values reduce overt time as a quantum amount and as a percentage of the capital value.

She said it was important to note that the valuations should not be used for any other purpose, including as a guide to what sum should be insured in a house insurance policy.

What it would cost to rebuild a property is usually significantly different to the "improvements value".

"The Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 defines how rates can be calculated," she said.

"General rates cannot be calculated using the improvement value, although targeted rates can be. Auckland Council uses the capital value to calculate general rates and does not use the improvements value to calculate any targeted rates."


I worked for a firm which carries out rating valuations for councils and this has always confused people. They're called rating valuations for a reason: the only reason these valuations are done at all is for councils to determine rates based on land value. That is their only purpose: the council doesn't commission them as a sort of "public service" to let everyone know what their house is worth "just in case" you feel like selling (they only inform you of the valuation at all so you can object if you believe you'll be overcharged on rates). These valuations must all be standardized by statistics to a set date so that they legally meet their intended purpose: in most areas, this means valuations are only done once every three years so, in a market as volatile as ours, there is no way rating valuations will reflect what a home is worth at sale on any given day, only on the set date for that region, and only according to the legally-established statistics. But the urban legend of "government valuation" having some official merit in the sale process persists anyway - thanks, realtors who exploit people's misunderstanding and perpetuate the myth. If you're selling, get a Market Valuation - that's what really counts - and forget about the council's valuation unless you think the land value portion of it is too steep.


作者: 中纽风行者    时间: 2017-11-21 10:27:36

作者: NewLynnHse    时间: 2017-11-21 10:30:48

中纽风行者 发表于 2017-11-21 10:27
室内面积100平米IV从14W降到5W,确实不靠谱,难道把砖瓦结构的房子变成纸糊的了 ...

作者: since    时间: 2017-11-21 11:21:12

作者: kobemvp    时间: 2017-11-21 11:44:12

地税里面,general rate计算方法可是用CV乘以系数的。。。所以IV还是需要关注的。 毕竟是rate计算方式是用CV而不是用LV。
作者: x-ray    时间: 2017-11-21 11:51:00

刚刚看到一间 IV 从50万涨到110万的房子,房东这两年就报批了一个新的卫浴。找谁说理去,哈哈
作者: love_3_month    时间: 2017-11-21 13:34:42

作者: bungyjumping999    时间: 2017-11-22 09:00:06

本帖最后由 bungyjumping999 于 2017-11-22 20:36 编辑

CV and Relab.co.nz are for " feel good factor" - to make you high and spend more for coming christmas.

" i am rich with millions, let spend more ........."

having said the above, i have to commend good job by relab.co.nz for their efficiency, i asked the information to be corrected on my property on the number of bathroom, room and wall cladding, they did it efficiently. By the time they corrected the information, the property value increased from $9XXK to $1.4XX ( WOW...) haha... another legal high.

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