Procedures of objection to valuation ( personal experience)
1) fill in the form, downloaded from the council website.
2) Fill in supporting documents why you think you value should go up or down
- personal statements, or valuation from a reliable source.
3) File with Valuation Tribunal, they will allocate a hearing date for you.
4) Before a hearing date, Council's valuer will contact you, and try to make an appointment to see your property and may be tried to discredit what you said unless you have a registered valuation in your supporting documents.
5) They will come with a value ( what they think is the fair value after looking at your property) for you and ask you to agree without going to Tribunal.
6) if you do not agree on no.5, you can go to the hearing. Normally, there is no winning or losing, it is what is your point of wanting high value or lower value ( so that you can pay lesser rates).
It works out $50k valuation different only make $30 dollar different a year.作者: NewLynnHse 时间: 2017-11-20 19:07:07
bungyjumping999 发表于 2017-11-20 18:38
Procedures of objection to valuation ( personal experience)