The coalition agreement also has a clause preventing 'waka jumping', which Peters says is a great idea.
There had been too many examples over a long period of MPs who thought they were bigger than their parties. "I am preaching... some practical thing I believe in."
Ardern says the new administration will be a "government of action".
"As a priority, we will restore funding to the health system to allow access for all, ensure all Kiwis can live in warm, dry homes, take action on child poverty and homelessness, crack down on foreign speculators, clean our rivers, and strengthen efforts to tackle climate change and the transition to a low carbon economy.
"We will focus on sustainable economic development, supporting our regional economies, increasing exports, lifting wages and reducing inequality.
"We are committed to being fiscally responsible and growing the economy, while ensuring all New Zealanders share in our economic prosperity. We firmly believe economic growth must also go hand-in-hand with environmental responsibility."
On immigration, Ardern confirmed that the plan was to reduce the number of immigrants to 20,000 - 30,000. Peters says his party wanted bigger drops, but negotiations meant not everything was possible.
yangauk 发表于 2017-10-24 22:04
移民寄生虫 广大中介 出租房还贷款的 支付最低工资以下的 卖工签的愤怒了 论坛一片责骂声。 ...
NewLynnHse 发表于 2017-10-24 22:51
好像多数是说要砍掉2-3万。以现在7万的数目来看,砍掉两三万,和砍到两三万,也就差个一万左右吧。 ...
NewLynnHse 发表于 2017-10-24 22:51
好像多数是说要砍掉2-3万。以现在7万的数目来看,砍掉两三万,和砍到两三万,也就差个一万左右吧。 ...
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