The main purpose of such policy is to force people invest money to somewhere "important" such as agriculture, industrial, technology, etc. rather than residential property which is useless to the national development.
For some people who owns 10+ even 50 properties, what they do is just lease their houses out and getting rentals. They are holding big mount of resources and these resources are not helpful to the whole economy. If the property can be a tool to gaining profit, so that everyone would like to do the same thing, so eventually who would like to invest the money in the right place which will benefit to the whole country?
House should be treated as the same as food. If there is a person who is very powerful, rich and also holding all the food resources, and he/she is trying to control the price of food to gain huge profit from it. How awful it is!
A good country should allow people be able to buy their own house, one living house and 1-2 investment houses which is totally fine, but definitely not 10 even 50 houses. 作者: autonomae 时间: 2017-10-24 10:43:25
No, it won't like that. With this policy, the first step is to force people who own 10-50 houses sell their properties with the "right" market price, they will sell nearly all of their houses with this "market price" which will be much lower than the current price.
Secondly, these houses will be bought by others.
As the price of property will reduce to a normal and healthy level, it will increase lots of people's living standard. From that, more people will be able to spend their money on other things rather than paying the mortgage.
For the rich person, as property won't be a good option to gain the profit, they can focus on other options such as share market, run their own business, it can be a factory, a farm, entertainment facility, trading, etc.
Yes, you are right. There is no way to keep the overseas investment here, but if these overseas investment was only invested in residential properties, they should be kicked out.