We aren’t campaigning on a Capital Gains Tax this election. Jacinda has been really upfront though that the tax system isn’t fair and we have to do something about the housing crisis. Labour will pull together a Tax Working Group after the election to advise the best way to do this. A Capital Gains Tax is one option the working group could look at. Jacinda Ardern has ruled out this ever applying to the family home.
一大堆废话,当选后让所谓的Tax Working Group去调查,那工党就有理由提高增值税了,工党会用TWG来做“带罪羔羊”。。。
Are you going to tax my family home? 工党会给自住房收增值税吗?
We’re not campaigning on a Capital Gains Tax, but Labour will never put a Capital Gains Tax on the family home. 不会。(废话,有了谁投你?)
Won't a Capital Gains Tax crash the housing market? 增值税不会把房市打入谷底吗?
No, it wouldn’t. There is already effectively a Capital Gains Tax on properties sold within two years under the bright line test. 不会的,因为房子2年内卖出已经要缴税。