一般配偶类没有最低英文水平要求,如果申请人曾经有资格作为General Skills, Residence from Work, Skilled Migrant, Business Immigration or Business Investor categories这些类别的主申的配偶一起申请移民,但是当时没有申请,才需要满足英语要求
F2.40.1 English language requirements
a. If a principal applicant was eligible to be included as a partner of a principal applicant in an earlier
successful application under the General Skills Category, Skilled Migrant Category, Residence From Work Category, Business Immigration Instructions or previous Business Investor Category, but was not at that time included in the application, they will have to meet the criteria of the English language instructions applicable at the time the application under Partnership Category is made.
b. Such an applicant will be subject to the applicable English language instructions as if they were a non-principal applicant under the Skilled Migrant Category or Business Immigration Instructions.
c. A principal applicant who would have been eligible for inclusion in an earlier General Skills Category or Skilled Migrant Category application will be subject to the English language of the Skilled Migrant Category applicable at the time the application under Partnership Category is made.
d. A principal applicant who would have been eligible for inclusion in an earlier Business Investor category or Business Immigration Instructions application will be subject to the English language requirements of Business Immigration Instructions applicable at the time the application under Partnership Category is made.