You can report non-urgent incidents of poor driving where you do not wish the offender to be prosecuted. Incidents include dangerous overtaking, crossing the centre line, tailgating or holding up traffic on a motorway. If you can provide a registration plate number, Police will write to the driver. Your identity is not disclosed.
Fill out the Report a bad driver online form.
You can also print a Community Roadwatch form, complete it and post to the address provided on the form.
Download the Community Roadwatch form [PDF, 45KB]
Police will treat your Community Roadwatch report as confidential; in accordance with the provisions of the law as it relates to privacy and disclosure of information. Your report will be assessed and, if an offence and vehicle can be clearly identified, Police will contact the owner of the vehicle to tell them of the allegation made and of the expected standards of driver behaviour.
No investigation or prosecution will take place for a Community Roadwatch report and Police do not normally report back to those making the report. If you want the incident to be investigated with a view to the offender being prosecuted, you must lodge a formal complaint at your nearest police station. 作者: 游客 时间: 2017-5-12 11:37:13