这不是房价问题了, 而是经济问题了。
洋人/华人/印度人开店的都认为,工绿执政,生意遭殃。一洋老头还说,I will end up with shit with labour. 作者: hitye 时间: 2017-3-23 13:26:39
得了吧,你当48%的人口都是白痴么。。。。NZ的零售除了2大超市其他就是笑话,450万人能有什么消费能力支撑那些么多“巨头”。换在别的国家这些品牌要么早就发达要么早就倒闭了,也就是在这个小市场靠narrow mind才能苟延残喘到今天,海外巨头不来还不就是看不上这里的人口和消费,觉得投资了赚不到几个钱何苦花那冤枉钱,结果就是本地消费者再被本地落后生产力低下的“小作坊”rip off,恶性循环。想打破必须放人进来刺激消费形成层次倒逼商品服务工供应商明确自己的市场路线优胜劣汰,为外资进入创走条件,否则关上门大家互发均贫卡一起玩完,last one turn off the light作者: Turtle2017 时间: 2017-3-23 14:11:13
In 2009, the media, including TVNZ and TV3 revealed that English was receiving about NZ$900 a week as part of a living allowance for ministers, to live in his own NZ$1.2 million Wellington home. At the time, English also received $276,200 in his annual salary as Deputy Prime Minister.[31][32] It was also revealed other ministers with homes in the capital city were also claiming accommodation allowances.[33] On 3 August 2009, Prime Minister John Key announced a review of the housing allowances claimed by cabinet ministers.[34]
English subsequently announced he would pay back $12,000 and only claim about $24,000 a year in living allowances.[35] The Auditor-General's office said in September 2009 that they were making "preliminary enquiries" into parliamentary housing expenses in response to a letter of complaint from Progressive party leader Jim Anderton.[36] Two days later English announced that he would no longer take up any housing allowance and had paid back all the allowance he had received since the November 2008 election.[37]作者: BNC2015 时间: 2017-3-24 12:22:44
John Key先生家境不好,国家帮助了他。他长大后学有所成,赚了钱,回来报效国家,当了总理。
Key was born in Auckland, New Zealand, to George Key (1914–1969)[3] and Ruth Key (née Lazar; 1922–2000),[3] on 9 August 1961. His father was an English immigrant and a veteran of the Spanish Civil War and World War II.[4] Key and his two sisters were raised in a state house in the Christchurch suburb of Bryndwr, by his mother, an Austrian Jewish immigrant.[5][6] Key is the third prime minister or premier of New Zealand to have Jewish ancestry, after Julius Vogel and Francis Bell.[7]
In 2009, the media, including TVNZ and TV3 revealed that English was receiving about NZ$900 a week as part of a living allowance for ministers, to live in his own NZ$1.2 million Wellington home. At the time, English also received $276,200 in his annual salary as Deputy Prime Minister.[31][32] It was also revealed other ministers with homes in the capital city were also claiming accommodation allowances.[33] On 3 August 2009, Prime Minister John Key announced a review of the housing allowances claimed by cabinet ministers.[34]
English subsequently announced he would pay back $12,000 and only claim about $24,000 a year in living allowances.[35] The Auditor-General's office said in September 2009 that they were making "preliminary enquiries" into parliamentary housing expenses in response to a letter of complaint from Progressive party leader Jim Anderton.[36] Two days later English announced that he would no longer take up any housing allowance and had paid back all the allowance he had received since the November 2008 election.[37]作者: love_3_month 时间: 2017-3-24 14:57:40