The necessity of a policy in the event of a ‘P’ lab in the complex was raised. The
government is expected to bring in standards for ‘P’ levels in the near future.
Because there is some confusion about what is a safe level it was decided to wait
until these are announced. Richard is doing some research on this and also whether
the Body Corporate insurance could be affected.
本来我英语不好,买房有没经验,看见这个‘P’ lab字眼我就有点担心,无奈实在不明白这句话的意思,是不是这个complex building里面有P lab的可能性在升高还是啥意思,学英语专业的朋友也看不懂,所以只好求助有卖买房经验的前辈们了
The necessity of a policy in the event of a ‘P’ lab in the complex was raised. 作者: NewLynnHse 时间: 2017-2-16 11:17:32