Our fixed fee is based on supplying concept plans and working drawings for the construction of an upper floor to accommodate 3 bedrooms, lounge and kitchen and alterations to the ground floor to accommodate a guest bedroom and a double garage.
Stage One
Concept Plans, Working Drawings and associated Specifications to obtain Building Consent for the above referenced works 12,347.83 GST 1852.17 Total $14,200.00
Stage Two
Construction and Project Management To be confirmed
(To be priced once architectural working drawings are complete.)
Services include:
Location Plan
Site Plan
Floor Plans
Foundation Plan
Floor Framing Plan
Floor Finishes Plan
Roof truss plan.
Roof calculation’s for surface water
Drainage/Services Plan
Electrical Plan
Ref 16-487
External and Internal Elevations
Reflected Ceiling Plan
Cross Sections
Full Project Specifications
Risk Matrix
H1 (thermal) calculation’s based on H1 scheduled method
Product literature
Bracing calculation’s based on NZS 3604.
Certificate of Title
Two sets of the working drawings, printing
Building Consent lodgement.
Please note all fees exclude any Council related fees, or extra charges relating to
unforeseen site conditions, and/or additional requirements from Council that may be