Thursday 13th
10.00am-11.30am International Students Orientation (compulsory) LT 300
10.30am-3.30pm Studylink open SC 1.15
11.30am-12.30pm Lunch break - free bar-b-que. Entertainment
Enrolment approval
12.30pm-2.00pm Interactive workshops (compulsory)
12.30pm-1.00pm A light-hearted look at New Zealand culture, and tips on how to settle here LT 300
1.00pm-2.00pm Using theory in a Western University; essential information for studying in New Zealand LT 300
2.00pm-4.00pm Career Advisor drop-in session
Enrolment approval
6.00pm-9.00pm Flying Start QB2
Friday 14th
9.00am-9.45am Powhiri/Pasifika Welcome followed by morning tea LT foyer
9.45am-10.30am General campus welcome for all new students (compulsory) LT 300
10.30am-11.30am Meet with uni-guides LT foyer
11.30am -12 noon College Welcomes (Business, Humanities and Social Sciences and Sciences) Compulsory LT 1, 2, 300
12 noon-1.00pm Lunch break with uni-guides. Free bar-b-que. Entertainment
1.00pm-1.30pm (1) Timetable workshop LT 1
(2) Using WebCT at uni CL AT4
(3) Your first assignment: what you need to know! LT 2
1.30pm-2.15pm “Get a mega memory”-a fun interactive workshop to help with your tests and exams. LT 3
1.30pm – 2.00pm (1) Tips tips on how to enjoy uni and get better grades LT 1
(2) Library workshop: an essential workshop on the library home page and catalogue. Be ready for your first assignment! Library
2.00pm- 2.30pm (1) Your first assignment: what you need to know! LT 2
(2) Study/life balance. Enjoy good grades as well as having a social life and fitting in work LT 1
2.30pm-3.00pm (1) Library presentation: an essential workshop on the library home page and catalogue. Be ready for your first assignment! Library
(2) Timetable workshop LT 1
(3) Using WebCTat uni CL AT4
1.30am -3.00pm Continuous bus tours of the campus (every 15 mins) Bus stop Quad A
3.00pm Coffee with Disability Co-ordinator MassemoCafe