You will not need a building consent to add an accessory building to your property, like a sleepout, garden shed, granny flat or cabin, provided the building:
is less that 10 square metres in floor area
is more than its height away from all boundaries and other dwellings
does not contain cooking or sanitary facilities, or a potable (drinkable) water supply.
If your accessory building doesn't meet all of these criteria, you will need a building consent.
Regardless of its size, your accessory building may also need a resource consent, depending on the rules in the applicable District Plan or the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan decisions version.
Note the floor area of an accessory building is included in any calculations of maximum permitted building coverage for your whole site under the planning rules.作者: 陌生的香港人 时间: 2016-11-21 12:11:42