No. The principle applicant cannot be changed unless they want to re-apply their visas.
Currently there’s no clear indication about whether the sponsor needs to be in the country for the first five years of the applicant’s stay in New Zealand as a resident, but the sponsor still has sponsorship undertakings as below:
R4.10 Sponsorship undertakings
See also Immigration Act 2009, s 48
a. Sponsorship creates a responsibility for the sponsor to ensure the sponsored person has accommodation, maintenance while in New Zealand, and outward travel.
b. The undertakings for which a sponsor is responsible, and in relation to which a debt is recoverable from the sponsor, are:
i. accommodation, meaning suitable accommodation for the sponsored person in New Zealand, where the sponsored person does not have the means for their own accommodation; and
ii. maintenance, meaning the reasonable costs of essential provisions needed for the sponsored person’s health and welfare in New Zealand, where they do not have the means for these. This may include but is not limited to food, clothing and medical treatment where required; and
iii. repatriation, meaning any costs associated with the sponsored person leaving New Zealand at the end of the sponsorship period if the person:
o does not have the means for their own repatriation (or refuses to pay for it); or
o is liable for deportation.
iv. deportation, meaning any costs that are incurred during the sponsorship period in relation to the sponsored person’s deportation, which could include the costs of locating, detaining and maintaining the person, and their travel costs in being deported.
c. A visa holder themselves may have the means to fund their own maintenance, accommodation, and outward travel. However, if they do not, or refuse to, the sponsor is required to either provide these themselves directly or pay for the cost of providing them. 作者: vozlin 时间: 2016-10-20 13:47:36
必须主申请人过来作者: 一笔千秋 时间: 2016-10-23 22:27:57
magic 发表于 2016-10-20 10:32
No. The principle applicant cannot be changed unless they want to re-apply their visas.
Currently th ...
请问 mgaic, 你这段回复(No. The principle applicant cannot be changed unless they want to re-apply their visas.
Currently there’s no clear indication about whether the sponsor needs to be in the country for the first five years of the applicant’s stay in New Zealand as a resident, but the sponsor still has sponsorship undertakings as below)是移民局给你的答复吗?
谢谢作者: 一笔千秋 时间: 2016-11-2 23:16:50
我打电话跟移民局问过了,跟大家报告一下。 不过先写个disclaimer, 移民局的那个人不愿意把他告诉我的东西写在书面上,只愿意用说的,所以在这里我只能转述我记得的东西,大家别拿我写的东西作为任何法律依据哦。 本人不是移民中介,没有提供移民意见的资格!don't quote me on this!i am not an immigration adviser