Fruit and vegetables including pips and stones
Meat, bones and fish
Bread, pastries and flours
Cut flowers, prunings, cuttings and branches
Coffee grindings and tea bags
Dairy products
Garden waste
Human and animal hair
Food soiled cardboard containers, paper towels and serviettes.
Food waste can be wrapped in newspaper before putting it in the green bin. You can also use paper or cardboard to line your bin.
What can't go in your organics bin
Liquids, flax, cabbage trees, human/animal waste
Plastic of any sort (e.g. plant pots, plastic bags, cling film, bio-gradable/compostable plastic etc)
Timber, sawdust, ash, stones, gravel, bricks or dirt
Grass clippings sprayed with herbicide containing Clopyralid
Prunings, cuttings and branches longer than 70 cm in length and 7.5 cm in diameter
Dead animals/pets.